Department of Justice

Justice Department Finds Utah at Fault for Failing to Provide Effective Transition Services

June 18, 2024, U.S. Department of Justice Civil Rights Division (DOJ) released the findings of its investigation into Utah’s statewide violations of the Americans with Disabilities Act (ADA).

DOJ determined Utah is violating ADA “by unnecessarily segregating youth and adults with intellectual and developmental disabilities (I/DD) during the day, instead of helping them find work and spend their days in their communities.” In addition, it found that gaps in Utah’s transition service system put students transitioning out of children’s services “at serious risk for unnecessary segregation in these settings”, because the students “enter adulthood without the experiences or the services they need to live fully integrated adult lives.”

U.S. Dept. of Education Releases 2023 Determination Letters; Virginia Failed to Meet Requirements, While States Like Alabama Climbed Out of Years of “Needs Assistance” Determinations

June 26, 2023, U.S. Department of Education released its annual determination letters.

While a few states improved their performance, others continued to fail.

In 2023, 23 states or entities met requirements, as compared to 22 in 2022; six states need assistance (one year) in 2023, compared to 3 in 2022; 29 need assistance (two or more consecutive years) in 2023, compared to 35 in 2022; and two states need intervention in 2023, compared to zero in 2022.