VDOE Guided School Divisions Statewide to Engage in Discrimination; Office for Civil Rights and VDOE Enter Into Resolution Agreement
VDOE Opens Systemic Complaint Investigation into FCPS; Complaint Alleges FCPS’ Academic Record Policies are in Noncompliance with State and Federal Regulations
FCPS FOIA Response: “COVID-19 Compensatory Education Update” and “COVID-19 Compensatory Education Service Delivery Models”
A FOIA request was submitted to obtain the guidance document. After receiving Boyd’s June 14, 2023, guidance email to FCPS staff, another FOIA request was submitted, to obtain access to documents hyperlinked within Boyd’s email.
VDOE FOIA Response: Fairfax and Powhatan County Public Schools Core Special Education Assessment Data Collection
“Please provide me the summary reports for VDOE’s Core Special Education Assessment results for Fairfax County Public Schools. An example is attached for reference. Please search the period of 2019-today.
VDOE FOIA Response: VDOE’s 6.23.23 and 8.28.23 Warnings to Powhatan County Public Schools; Comply with IDEA or Face Sanctions
UPDATE: VDOE Opens Systemic Complaint on FCPS: Denial of FAPE to Preschool, Honors, Foreign Language, and Day School Students
July 13, 2023: Article updated to include additional information Complainant submitted to VDOE; FCPS’s response to Complaint’s state complaint; and the timeline extension letter VDOE issued itself July 10, 2023, one day before VDOE’s Letter of Findings was due. VDOE set September 15, 2023, as the new due date.
September 18, 2023: Article updated to include VDOE’s second timeline extension letter, in which it changed its timeline from September 15 to October 31, 2023, as well as additional evidence provided to FCPS by Complainant.
May 23, 2023, Virginia Department of Education opened another systemic complaint investigation into Fairfax County Public Schools, in response to a complaint filed May 12, 2023.
The complaint alleges FCPS is at fault for systemic failures to provide FAPE, to include but not limited to failure to address the unique academic, behavioral and functional needs of its students; failures to appropriately place students; and failures to provide services to students who elect to enroll in Honors classes.
Same Story, Different Year: Virginia Department of Education’s “Monitoring” Fails to Identify and Address Noncompliance, Fairfax County Public Schools Withholds Information
In 2023, the story remains the same.