FCPS Ignores Office for Civil Rights; Noncompliance Continues, Part I

Fairfax County Public Schools was found at fault for massive systemic noncompliance by Office for Civil Rights. November 30, 2022, OCR released its letter of findings and resolution agreement with FCPS. The latter outlines steps FCPS is required to take to address the 25,000+ students with IEPs or 504 plans that it failed between April 2020 and June 2022.

Yet, not even OCR’s findings, or the fact FCPS entered into a resolution agreement with OCR, seem to have what it takes to put even a temporary stop to FCPS’s noncompliance.

Mediators: Know Who Constitutes an “Impartial Mediator”

§300.506(c)(1) states mediators may not be an employee of the state education agency (SEA) or local education agency (LEA) that is involved in the education or care of the child.

Makes you think that the mediator lined up for your mediation will be impartial—and won’t be an employee of the SEA or LEA—right?

That sort of thinking does make sense, but in this Bizarro World of special education regulations and laws and school divisions and lawyers and parents and kids . . . Things don’t always turn out as they should.

Class Action Lawsuit Filed Against Virginia Department of Education and Fairfax County School Board; Alleges Civil Rights Violation of Students Who Have Special Needs

January 25, 2023: Article republished and updated to include amended complaint filed January 20, 2023.

September 21, 2022, a federal class action lawsuit was filed against the Virginia Department of Education (VDOE) and Fairfax County School Board (FCSB), for violations of the rights of students under the U.S. Constitution and the Individuals with Disabilities Act (IDEA). The Civil Rights Clinic of Georgetown Law School, the law firm of Susman Godfrey, LLP (each working pro bono), and Merritt Law, PLLC, collaborated to develop and file the case.

According to the complaint, plaintiffs allege that the Virginia due process hearing officers are not impartial, but in fact, have the worst ruling record of any major state in the entire country with respect to parents who have brought claims under the IDEA.

Dear VDOE: Why Did Sam Hollins Include Incorrect Information in Her Response to U.S. DOE’s Monitoring Letter on Virginia?

September 2, 2020: Article published.

January 24, 2023: Article republished with new introduction (see italics below).

Almost three years ago, U.S. Department of Education Office of Special Education Programs issued a Differentiated Monitoring and Support report on Virginia. In response, VDOE issued a ten-page letter from Superintendent of Special Education and Student Services Samantha Hollins, which included false and misleading information.

In the years that have followed, noncompliance has continued in Virginia, as has Samantha’s failure to release a public statement correcting and/or apologizing for the false information in her previous ten-page letter. Within the last two months, VDOE’s failures made the news again when Office for Civil Rights issued two letters of finding for two Virginia agencies: Fairfax County Public Schools and Southeastern Cooperative Educational Programs.

The big question now: Will USDOE eventually pull funding for Virginia as it did for Texas, when Texas hit its post-DMS release three-year mark?

Samantha Hollins Prohibits Recording of Resolution Meeting; Hangs Up on Parent

July 13, 2020: Article first published. January 23, 2023: Republished with new introduction (see italics below).

January 24, 2020, Samantha Hollins, assistant superintendent of VDOE’s Department of Special Education and Student Services, provided incorrect guidance on the recording of resolution meetings.

She first indicated that there is a Virginia regulation prohibiting the recording of resolution meetings.

Not true.

VFOIA-6763 Response: FCPS’s Recovery Services and/or Comp Ed Records and Practices

October 21, 2022, I submitted a Freedom of Information request (FOIA) to Fairfax County Public Schools (FCPS). The request was for the following:

1) any forms, letters, or documentation that address FCPS advising parents to pick their own recovery services and/or comp ed provider

2) any forms, letters, or documentation that address FCPS advising parents FCPS will reimburse parents for recovery services and/or comp ed.

3) any forms, letters, or documentation that address FCPS capping the service provider payment amount to a certain amount of dollars per hour and/or per service.

I know the above has already been provided to parents. I’m not asking for their educational records.

I know FCPS has internal records and form letters it developed.

I know that responsive records that are not also educational records exist.

This should include but not be limited to any training materials, slides, videos, presentations, too.

U.S. Dept. of Education’s Office for Civil Rights Releases Investigation into Another Virginia Agency’s Denial of FAPE

Less than three weeks apart, U.S. Department of Education’s Office for Civil Rights released investigation findings of noncompliance on two Virginia education agencies.

November 30, 2022, OCR released its letter of findings in response to its investigation of Fairfax County Public Schools.

December 16, 2022, OCR released its letter of findings in response to its investigation of Southeastern Cooperative Educational Programs, which, like FCPS, is under the Virginia Department of Education.

Portrait of a Systemic Complaint, Part IV: FCPS’ Late Responses; VDOE’s Ignominious Failures (a.k.a. Obliterating 60-Day Timelines)

September 14, 2020: This article first published.

December 8, 2022: This article was updated to include this mention of Office of Civil Rights (OCR) November 30, 2022, letter of findings about Fairfax County Public Schools and OCR’s resolution agreement with FCPS. OCR’s findings cite this systemic complaint and make it clear that parents should have prevailed in 2020.

Part III of this series discussed the Virginia Department of Education (VDOE) extending Fairfax County Public Schools’ (FCPS) deadline for responding to the Notice of Complaint (NOC) issued by VDOE.

It discussed, too, FCPS missing the extended deadline and VDOE accepting FCPS’ late submission, even though VDOE’s NOC states, in bolded type:

“Both the school division’s response and supporting documentation must be provided by the response due date in order to be considered for review by this office. Should the supporting documentation not be included, our review will rest on the documentation submitted by the response due date.”

What happened next?

A colossal mess.