JLARC Releases Report on COVID’s Impact on Virginia Education; Release Marks JLARC’s Third Critical Education-Related Report in Two Years

November 7, 2022, Virginia’s Joint Legislative Audit and Review Commission (JLARC) released its report titled Pandemic Impact on Public K–12 Education. The report marks JLARC’s third critical report related to Virginia education in just two years (October 2020, Operations and Performance of the Virginia Department of Education; December 2020, K-12 Special Education in Virginia).

The findings aren’t surprising. They paint the portrait of a state that ignored the warning bells (even though it had almost 15 years to prepare for COVID)—and that to this day has failed to implement practices that ensure past mistakes don’t run into the future.

However, the report falls short in regard to data collection and interpretation.

It’s the Law: Why Does VDOE Allow Vague Language in IEPs?

If you’ve read any of “The Language of IEPs and 504s” articles on this site, you know broad and vague language is a problem and it will slip by you from time to time.

Thankfully, it isn’t the parent’s job to create IEPs that are written with clear, concise language that ensures provision of a Free Appropriate Public Education (FAPE). That’s the school division’s job.

And yet . . . Vague and broad language persists and the Virginia Department of Education has allowed this.

Nation’s “Report Card” Released, Scores Declined Nationwide

Reading and math scores plummeted nationwide between 2019 and 2022, according to the “Nation’s Report Card”, released today by the United States Department of Education’s National Center for Education Statistics.

The national average score declines in mathematics for fourth- and eighth-graders were the largest ever recorded in that subject.

In math, there were no improvements in any state or large urban district since the assessment was last given in 2019.

Children Continue to Struggle; Virginia Department of Education’s Samantha Hollins Continues to Allow Noncompliance Statewide

“You can choose to look the other way, but you can never say again you did not know.” ~William Wilberforce

Reading and math scores have declined, according to the “Nation’s Report Card”. which was released today by the U.S. Department of Education’s National Center for Education Statistics.

This comes as no surprise. In Virginia, Samantha Hollins knows Virginia is in noncompliance with the Individuals with Disabilities Education Act, but allows the noncompliance to continue.

According to NAEP, in Virginia, the following percentages of 4th graders are performing at or above “proficient” level in math and reading:

Reading: 32%

These numbers drop for 8th graders.

Arlington Public Schools Engaged in Same Activity as Fairfax County; VDOE Opened Systemic Complaint Against FCPS

October 18, 2022, VDOE announced a new systemic investigation into Fairfax County Public Schools. Arlington Public Schools engaged in the same activity for which VDOE opened its systemic investigation into FCPS.
10.18.22 FCPS Systemic Complaint

Virginia Dept. of Education Announces Systemic Investigation of Fairfax County Public Schools, for Allegedly Failing to Implement IEP’s

October 18, 2022, Virginia Department of Education announced a new systemic investigation into Fairfax County Public Schools.

The complaint on which the investigation is based alleges FCPS failed to implement Individualized Education Programs throughout the county, which is a violation of Individuals with Disabilities in Education Act and implementing Virginia regulations.

Virginia’s Noncompliance Continues; U.S. Dept. of Education States More Concerns Exist

June 23, 2020, United States Department of Education Office of Special Education Programs determined Virginia Department of Education is in noncompliance with federal regulations and issued a DMS report.

For each issue cited, OSEP required an action to address the issue—and these actions had 90-day timelines associated with them.

Almost two-and-a-half years later, issues remain, the DMS report has yet to be closed out, and more concerns continue to rise.

Virginia Dept. of Education Announces Investigation of Fairfax County Public Schools, for Allegedly Engaging in Predetermination

October 3, 2022, the Virginia Department of Education announced a new investigation into Fairfax County Public Schools.

The complaint on which the investigation is based alleges FCPS engaged in predetermination, which is a procedural violation of the Individuals with Disabilities in Education Act and implementing Virginia regulations.