[This article was first published September 29, 2021. On September 30, 2021, a Fairfax County Judge ordered that Debra Tisler and I not disseminate the materials she received in response to a FOIA request. I took down the article, which included documents from the FOIA response. This came after Fairfax County School Board (FCSB) took legal action against me and Debra. Today, November 16, 2021, after over a month of Debra and I being censored, Judge Richard Gardiner struck down FCSB’s unconstitutional attempts to shut down our speech. Hence, this article is live again. Not exactly a breach of children’s or personnel privacy as FCSB tried to indicate, is it?]
A February 11, 2021, Hunton Andrews Kurth invoice notes that attorneys MA Podolny ($395 rate) and S Rewari ($695 rate) helped draft motions for school board members Karen Keys-Gamarra and Abrar Omeish.
Please join me in asking Fairfax County Public Schools (FCPS) why board members are using private high-paid attorneys to write motions.
Why does Hunton Andrews Kurth have a heavy hand in FOIA responses, too?
I thought school districts were supposed to be run by educators, but it seems FCPS’s lawyers have a hand at the helm.
That’s a lot of money to pay for a job someone in-house should be able to handle.
(Thank you to fellow FCPS parent Debra Tisler who did the FOIA request that made sharing this information possible.)