Fairfax County Public Schools Restraint & Seclusion Policy Training Videos

After years of traumatizing children through its use of restraint and seclusion practices, Fairfax County Public Schools (FCPS) in Virginia made headlines the past few months after FCPS finally settled a lawsuit filed against it.

Although FCPS schools has committed to banning restraint and seclusion practices in all of its schools, “including private schools with whom FCPS contracts, by the start of the 2022-2023 school year,” questions remain about the training being provided to FCPS staff.

Videos below were created by FCPS and made public in response to a FOIA request.

There are two versions of the “FCPS Restraint & Seclusion Policy” video, with the second one supposedly replacing the first one on FCPS’s Due Process & Eligibility password-protected, private site.