The video, video chat, and video transcript in this article are from Fairfax County Public Schools' (FCPS) 4.1.20 Special Education Chair and 504 Meeting.


Meeting Video Transcript

4.1.20 Dept Chairs and 504 Recording

Dawn Schaefer  00:00

We wanted to make sure. Um, thank you. Um, yeah, there we go. Thank you. Um, So raise your hand, use professional language, um, as you are, um, working through this. And, um, we're going to go ahead and jump right in. And we know you guys have, um, a lot of questions, and, um, we're hoping that we can help, um, answer some of those and give you all and your teachers, ah, some direction. You can see the agenda there. Um, we have, um, excuse me, we have a lot of documents in the works, um, that we'll be able to share with you, um, as we move through. Um, some things are almost ready for primetime, some things are not. Um, and unfortunately, it's part of it is that, um, we are having new information developed every single day. Um, this PowerPoint is not currently available, so if you're taking notes, um, you're going to have to do it the old fashioned way. I'm sorry. Um, but the whole session will be available afterwards. So that's what we're going to walk through, um, as our agenda today.

Dawn Schaefer  00:48

Um, so this week, the plan is to get ready. Um, and I know you've seen some version of this slide, um, through your presentations in your buildings. Um, and, ah, really, what today's focus is, is on, um, the central office training. I know there are other sessions occurring, um, through OSEI this afternoon. Um, and some of those are recorded and some of those are live and hopefully you all have have that, ah, available as well.

Dawn Schaefer  01:40

Um, let's see here. Andrew, do you want to, ah, take this one? My chat windows a little bit goofy.

Andrew Guillen  02:09

Sure, Dawn. No problem. Um, as we're kind of moving in, again, you've seen some of these slides, the beginning part of this presentation has, um, slides that you've probably received at your school training, um, earlier this week. But we're thinking a little bit about these guiding principles for learning and wellness during distance learning. So we're not going to, but just kind of ask yourself, what might this look like for you, um, in terms of supporting your teachers, your students and the families,. We know that everybody kind of has multiple roles right now. So just on the presentation, just kind of keeping that in mind.

Andrew Guillen  02:54

So what are we trying to accomplish for our students? You know, why we're looking at that continuity of learning, and those connections between teachers and peers, and then for, for special educators. It's also those connections with parents, because we know that parents are going to have a lot of questions about what special education services, um, and instruction we'll be able to offer during this time, which we'll get to today. We've got, I already see we have the fabulous Ellis Stack with us, and she'll be able to kind of help us out with some of those instructional questions, and then getting our students on to a sense of normalcy and routine. How's that going to work for Sche- meetings, when you have office time, and then you have time where you have to be online providing that instruction, that distance learning instruction. So I think it's just keeping those things in mind.

Andrew Guillen  03:57

So, you know, we're kind of moving from, you know, that student-choice instruction to more of a teacher-directed, right? So we know that at the secondary level, you know, a lot of our students are going to get synchronous chats using Blackboard Collaborate, teachers are going to post the assignments to be completed asynchronously. And what we have is office hours. And one of the things that we're trying to figure out is, um, what how, I think we're trying to kind of think a little bit more about those office hours for individualized instruction, but also making sure that you have time to provide your procedural, um, obligations to in terms of getting out communication to parents, talking to them what distance learning might look like, look like. So I think it's working as a school team to understand that we really do need to think about how we're going to plan during office hours, and maybe, ah, we may need to look to see if there's other parts of the day that we might need to contact our parents.

Andrew Guillen  05:06

So we're not going to kind of, you know, beat this over. I know, this is kind of the sample of what the division has put out for schools to follow. We know that schools, you know, have a little bit of wiggle room in terms of what the schedule looks like. But again, thinking a little bit about how might you provide some of that instruction or the support during, ah, special education, instruction, and support during the time periods.

Andrew Guillen  05:37

Show so here's where our hiccup, um, happened this morning. And again, I do apologize. Dawn keeps using this analogy and I know everybody who heard it already is probably sick of it, but I really like it. It's we're building the plane while we're flying it, and I would also say that we're, we're flying it and getting, um, you know, different things from, um, air traffic control. So, um, what I would like to acknowledge though is that OSEI has put together a really nice page, um, that lists all of the DSS trainings, and way at the bottom will list our OSEP trainings, office hours that we're working to get up onto our site, because we need we know we need to provide that support to you. And then this is where we're going to host the recording of today's session. Okay? So it's, it's going to be on this site and we understand that there were technical difficulties this morning. And I apologize for that.

Andrew Guillen  06:33

So, this is where Dawn, um, came up where we were talking a little bit about how to move the conversation from, you know, some of the instructional thoughts to our procedures, and, you know, Dawn, and I come from that "Friends" generation. I know some of you are probably remember the scene in "Friends" where Ross is yelling to pivot. So we're looking at pivoting from instruction to, to procedures now, and, and as part of the, um, discussion this afternoon.

Andrew Guillen  07:08

First thing that I want to say - Dawn if you want to go ahead and jump in here - is a little bit about this triangle. We worked with the PSLs last week to get this information that we really felt like a visual would help. Um, do you want to talk a little about it?

Dawn Schaefer  07:23

Yeah, sure. Thanks for that. Um, so if you look at this, we know that the bottom of the triangle is where we get most of our students. Um, we are in the process of developing a temporary learning plan, and it's a letter that we go to parents outlining what will be provided while schools are closed. As you guys know that what we're providing is not anywhere close to what will be provided during a regular 30-hour school week. Um, and so it explains that it has, you know, these are the goals we'll be working on or the objectives we'll be working on during this time. Here are the accommodations that will be in place during this time. And here are the services we'll be providing during this time, and that might include related services. But again, we're shifting our paradigm from, you know, a 30-hour school week to this col- collaborative consultative distance learning model. Um, and the expectation is that case managers would be sending that out to, um, each one of the students on their caseload and it would be modified based on who the student is and what their needs are, um, and what their learning will look like during, um, this time that schools are closed. So this what we because we love acronyms and special ed, ah, this TLP is still being reviewed. Um, and as soon as it's available, we'll be sharing it with folks. And, um, and [inaudible], your question was about, Will principals get the letter before it goes to parents? Um, we're hoping to get some principal input on the letter, but, um, things are changing so quickly, it may have to go out a little more quickly than, um, to be able to get, to get this back. Um, some students may or may not require an addendum without a meeting or a 504 plan, um, update to address these needs. Um, other students will require teleconferences and those would be initial IEPs, annual IEPs, um, initial or annual 504 plans. Um, local screening is still happening. We still have a child find obligation, so we would be doing those via teleconference. Um, eligibility meetings, revaluations still need to happen, um, 504 qualification and transfer documents. Um, if you have a student transfer in, um, please call us at due process and eligibility. Um, excuse me, at that 4470 number. Um, we can do some things on the back end to help with those transfer documents. Um, they're not going to run quite as smoothly as we otherwise would, because we don't have the ability to put comparable services to, um, what was in place so we can give you some specific direction. We're hopeful that with Governor Northam stay-put order, we won't have a whole lot of movement of families during this time.

Dawn Schaefer  10:56

Now in the top, in that red section, those are meetings to address unique situations. Um I know some of my friends that I see logged in on the right do have these kinds of meetings and they are coming up. Um, but those are ones where, um, you're going to need to show the screen and move through each piece and have that available,  otherwise it would be via teleconference. Um, we're gonna get into all the questions that you guys are asking on the right hand side as we move through. I'm glad you're thinking through. Um, I would not, um, I would not say that we're using Google Meets for IEP meetings. I think parent I think teachers can use Google Meets to meet specifically with students or single parents about things that remember Google is not secure and so we're, we're sticking to the teleconferences or, um, this BBC platform if we're going to meet with parents, Um, Andrew, if I, if I'm mistaken on that, can you clarify that?

Andrew Guillen  12:09

No, Dawn, you're you're pretty much right on the mark, and, ah, we're going to talk a little bit about it later, but we're going to also stay away from Zoom. Um-

Dawn Schaefer  12:17


Andrew Guillen  12:17

So, kind of, the majority of these meetings, we're hoping that they should really occur over telephone conference lines, which you all have received. And it's this very small amount that we'll be using the BBCU platform.

Dawn Schaefer  12:34

Whoops. I think we both hit it at the same time.

Andrew Guillen  12:36

I think we did. All right. So, um, one of the things that Dawn just alluded to is that we're working on this. Um, here, it's a letter, but it's the the temporary learning plan is what we are in the process of, you know, finishing up here. And once we, we get it, we'll make sure that each school gets a copy of it, and then that case manager will will call. We're gonna develop a script too for you to use, because we understand that this might be a little bit of a tough conversation to have. So some, some scripted language will really help here, then what we're going to have you do is document the conversation on the contact log in SEA-STARS. And then, um, you'll, ah, go ahead and upload that contact information like the, um, really, the only method right now that we have is email. We're going to get into a little bit more about, um, what to do if parents don't have email in a moment. But right now, it's maybe uploading that email or a copy of an email from the parent confirming into historical documents. At the end, though, you'll also put a copy of this temporary learning plan as a PDF and we'll have you upload it into SEA-STARS. In the historical documents tab, we want for you to use this naming convention for every one of our students. Why? Why do we want that? Well, we may need to track just in case a parent calls and puts in an email that says they never received one. That will allow for us to go easily into, ah, SEA-STARS and look for this information. And again, we talked a little bit about the some. Some students will have those addendums without meetings. A lot of people early this morning asked, well, you know, when do we envision those without meetings occurring? Well, we know that this temporary learning plan, which it won't replace the IEP, but it's it's outlined to tell the parent what we are going to try to provide during this time. And so that makes it so we don't have to update the, the IEP. But there may be some times where the parent writes back, because as Dawn mentioned, we need to give the, the the the ability to provide feedback, have them in the conversation. You know, most than we think parents are just going to be able to say, Okay, great, I get it. We also know some won't and so we do acknowledge that. And there may be the parents that contact us and say, you know, ah, is there any way that we can add some extended time, or a specific accommodation that could be delivered through distance learning? And if that's the case and the team, the school team is in consensus, we would follow our addendum without a meeting process, we do not believe that you need to use the, um, telephone conference line that was provided to all schools to make addendums without meetings. That's really where you could use Google Meet. You can, you can communicate over email as well.

Andrew Guillen  15:46

And then get into when we do have to have meetings, IEPs, 504s, um, addendums without meetings, you would use the teleconference that was assigned, the teleconference line that was assigned to your school. Now, Dawn did send out an email to principals and I believe PSLs got a copy of each of your, ah, conference line information. So if you haven't, yet, I would go ahead and, you know, kind of ping your principal or you can talk to your PSL. Ah, there, there really is only one line per school. We understand that some of you have some huge programs, but due to limited resources, this was the best the division could do to accommodate Special Ed.

Andrew Guillen  16:34

As transfers go along, like we said, we want you to give,  ah, DPE, a call or email, really an email. And we'll talk a little bit more about local screening meetings in a moment.

Andrew Guillen  16:46

Um, you know, there is this idea that we won't be able to some of our students are already out of timelines, because we haven't been in school to test, and any students that we do move through local screening, were, we're going to have to get permission. And the federal and state, um, have have given us some guidance on how to do that and Dawn has developed a pretty good letter that's just about, ah, done in terms of approval, where we will, ah, you'll be able to send parents the information, the letter that says, you know, we're not in school based on these unprecedented times this pandemic, but we're going to need to extend, um, the timeline. And there she is, I was hoping she would kind of jump in. Dawn, what do you got?

Dawn Schaefer  17:34

So I want to address the teleconference lines for a second. Um, we were able to secure one per school. I've had probably 20 or so emails from principals and leads and department chairs asking for a second line. Um, we realized that we didn't have enough even for some of our non-traditional school programs, um, and went back immediately once we looked at all the data to make that request, and that request was denied. Um, IT is no longer providing any additional teleconference lines, so, um, I get your concerns. I know like for instance, Chantilly, you guys have a gigantic program. Um, we've already gone to bat to ask for additional lines and there are, there is no possibility of getting additional lines, um, and I'm really, really sorry. Um, we realized it's a problem. Um, I had typed in this in the side chat window, um, that you're going to probably need to develop, um, a checkout process, um, or a reservation process for both the BBCU and the teleconference line, um, so that you're not overlapping each other. And we'll talk more in depth about that. Um, and again, I'm sorry, there aren't we're teleconference lines. They're extraordinarily expensive, um, and IT was gracious enough to provide one per school, um, and that's all we're getting at this point. Um, again, if you have, um, if you're having an initial or an annual IEP meeting, and I know those are happening, or those are going to be happening and those need to occur, um, one thing that is a big change, um, one thing that's a big change for us is, um, that you can draft the entire document ahead of time, um, and provide that to the parent, um, so that everybody has the same thing to follow along with. Um, and, um we'll also talk about consent and handling things via, um, electronic means as opposed to through the mail. Um, again, if you have a transfer happen, let us know so we can help you with that, that extension of timelines is coming, um, and, um, we recognize revaluation still need to happen, too. So, um, those would be, um, those would need to occur as well, and we anticipate that you all will have a lot of questions about that as, um, as well. But we're gonna move through and we're gonna give you guys plenty of time to ask lots of questions. Um, the morning crew got, spent about an hour and a half asking questions. Um, so we're hoping to give you guys about the same amount of time.

Dawn Schaefer  20:36

Um, so the BBCU lines, um, I see Mandy's, um, talking about the fact that they're, you know, if anybody has it, they can get back in and what have you, and, um, I get that, and, um, that's just where we are. Um, I think you're going to have to work with your SBTs to create new sessions. Um, and Andrew, thanks for answering, ah, Mandy's questions. Um, secondary schools do have two conference lines, you have one for the middle school and one for the high school is my understanding. Andrew, can you weigh in on that?

Unknown  21:12

Yep, thank you. Um -

Andrew Guillen  21:15

That is correct.

Unknown  21:15

There is one for each.

Dawn Schaefer  21:18

Um, and so you may want to handle it as, as, you know, um, kind of as a each conference line for the entire school and work together, um, Chuck and Nancy and with your colleagues to kind of work on a way to, to check those out.

Dawn Schaefer  21:38

So, um,  these Blackboard Collaborate meetings, um, we had tested it out and SEA-STARS, and we'll talk more about kind of the nitty gritty of running them, but please know that VPN does slow things down. Um, and if everybody is VPN in, it's going to cause issues with the system running because the load is just really big. Um, so we want to make sure that, um, you're really not doing BBCUs use for all of your meetings. And we'll talk more about how to run those and who should be VPN'd in and what have you. Um, I think if you have a situation where you have ongoing difficult things happening with a family, or what have you, or you, you know that you need to show everything, those would be the meetings where you would be doing BBCUs. Andrew.

Andrew Guillen  22:39

Thanks, Dawn. So there's been a lot of questions about this, because I, I guess you're SBTs this week, ah, basically drilled into you that you should not be on VPN while you're in Blackboard Collaborate Ultra. That is correct, except we do need one person who's driving SEA-Stars to be VPN'd in. And that's right, Daryl. And so what we've done is we got special dispensation from the IT service desk to say, look, we're going to keep spreading that message that nobody else should be on VPN if they're taking part in the meeting. However, the person who's driving SEA-STARS will need to be VPN in and the IT folks are going to be looking at VPN to make sure that there's enough, um, space on the virtual highway and will work with us to, um, you know, provide any support if we run into it. And like Dawn mentioned, we are really hoping that teleconferencing is going to be the way you will go. Go ahead, Dawn.

Dawn Schaefer  23:50

I was, um, answering Shakita's question. Um, but we're gonna hop on over to the next slide. So, um here are some procedures. for hosting virtual meetings. You're going to still make contact with the parent. You're going to document all your contacts on the contact log or the 504 documentation, um, and ask them if they have anything to share, like you normally would. Language interpreters are available and later in this session, we'll talk about how to obtain a language interpreter. Um, you'll send a confirmation email with all the documents that they need, um most importantly, the notice letter for the meeting and, um, we have, um, worked with documents management to put up packets of forms that are all in one PDF so parents aren't jumping around, um, on that public forms page. They can just hit one spot. So you would send them to link, the link to that, so that they can follow along on those forms as well.

Dawn Schaefer  25:00

Um, we would still send that draft IEP home and as I said before, you do have, um, permission to draft the entire IEP ahead of time. Um, that's not saying if you have a family that you know is going to be very upset that you've drafted, you know, services and placement or whatever, prior to meeting with them - you would probably have a handle on who that might be - but we do have the ability to do that, unlike when schools have been in session. Um, you'll send out that teleconference number and that access code, um, or the BBCU participant link ahead of the meeting. Um, don't send the parent the, um, ah, the host code, or the moderator link. Just be really careful about, about not sharing those pieces. Um, we recognize that your teachers are probably going to need some guidance documents on this and so we're working through, um, that. So when you draft the entire IEP, you would hit print preview in, um, SEA-STARS, and it would create a PDF for you that you can then save down to your server and then attach to an email. Um, so you're not needing to do any printing, if that makes sense.

Dawn Schaefer  25:20

Um, during that meeting, we think it's important to review meeting norms. Um, we have those norms listed later in this session. Um, if the parent wants to record the meeting, you're going to also record the meeting. Um, you would record the teleconference, just like you would, um, record them in person meeting. Um, and then there's the ability, just like we're doing right now, to record these BBCU meetings.

Dawn Schaefer  26:59

Um, we tested in SEA-STARS over the last week, um, and we realize that even if you're showing what you're doing on the screen, there's a slight lag and it's not quite as easy to see as, um, it would be if you were in person, um, sitting in a meeting looking at a screen together. Um, so speak slowly. Explain what you're doing. So we would have to, we're just we just noticed that it's easier to follow along if somebody's, um, telling you exactly what's happening. Um, again, sticking to that allotted time because you're going to need to check these conference lines in and out, um, and you want to end your meeting, um, you want to end your meeting, um, so that the next person can begin their meeting. Um, you want to let the parent know that you're placing the items on hold or or what have you. Um, and then you'll talk about how the parent can provide consent. And we'll we'll talk about consent here in just a minute. Andrew,

Andrew Guillen  28:09

Thanks, Dawn. One of the things that I'm going to send out to you is the AT&T conference line instructions. So on the AT&T conference line, there is a way to lock the room once all the participants are in it, so that, ah, let's just say your afternoon meeting, you know, doesn't call in and you know, hear what's going on. So more more information, coming. Thanks, Dawn.

Dawn Schaefer  28:38

All right. Um, after the meeting, you're going to want to email that held copy of the document for consent to the parent along with the PWN. Um, again, updating the contact log, because a lot of what we have, um, is or what have a lot of what our documentation is going to be is going to be phone, so you want to use the contact log. Um, confirm receipt with the parent if they don't respond within two weeks. And you're probably going to want to confirm receipt anyway. And Katie Vanderwalk but that's a great idea, um, to, to send the draft to the student's, especially if you have one-to-one in your building, you know they have something in their home. And families were able to get My-Fi, I think.

Dawn Schaefer  29:34

Um, and then you'll document where the consent was and follow the normal process of finalizing, making everything current, and closing those workflows or processes. So it's really the meeting itself and that consent piece that is, um, just a little bit different than we normally would do if we're meeting in person.

Dawn Schaefer  29:54

Um, so we talked about the teleconference lines um, and again, um, you'll want to, um, certainly figure out a way to check those in and check those out and reserve those. Um, and maybe that's, ah, something that, um, you know, those of you have an IA supporting you, um, that could be a role that they could take on us to work on the scheduling for that, um, or something if you already have something else in place. Um, So if you have a BBCU meeting, your SBT is usually your scheduler and they'll set up your session. Um, they're gonna send you a moderator link and a participant link and they're both in the same email, and so you want to make sure you know which one is which you'll send that participant link out to everybody. Um, we want to make sure that you disable the chat function, um, when you set it up, set up your BBCU you IEP meeting, um, because I think that, um, things could very quickly get out of hand in an IEP meeting, um, if everybody has the chat function. And I think, um, it might be difficult for you, as a moderator to run the meeting, run the IEP, and moderate and monitor what's going on in chat. So, um, we would suggest that you utilize the, the raising of the hand, um, to run the meeting, as opposed to, um, having chat moderated. Andrew.

Andrew Guillen  31:39

Yes, Dawn. I just wanted to be clear, too. If that chat function is, um, enabled, parents could ask for a copy of it through a FERPA correct?

Dawn Schaefer  31:51

Yes, that is correct. So we really, um, strongly suggest that you turn it off.

Andrew Guillen  31:59


Dawn Schaefer  32:00

And remember, anything that gets typed over there gets kept. Um, I just think, for moderating these sessions, like just the you know, training session last week and, um, the one this morning, and then today, it's hard to, um, it's hard to do the talking and the chatting piece, so I think your meetings would be more streamlined if you, um, don't have the chat going, um, on the right hand side. So, ah, IT has done a great job of developing, um, scheduler and moderator set-up instructions that are there at the bottom of your, um, your PowerPoint page. Um, so they are clear about how to do things and, um, we suggest you take a look at those, um, for, um, for how to do this. And you'll, you'll have access to this, you'll be able to hit those hit those links as well.

Dawn Schaefer  32:59

Um, so, here in SEA-STARS, um, the moderator is also the SEA-STARS driver, so you'll be displaying the SEA-STARS screen ad anybody who's, you know, logged in, um, would be, excuse me, will be able to see what you're doing. And again, if they have trouble, the audio like many of you, um, you can call the number, um, that's [inaudible]. So they'll be driving. Um, you would assign somebody to probably be your PLOP writer, and they might also be VPN'd in or you could choose to do that yourself. It kind of depends on, um, what the meeting is. Um, and then probably want to keep have a timekeeper be part of your meeting Sorry, I'm opening a cough drop and I'm sure you It sounds like me opening a chip bag. Um, but the the time keeper is probably going to be very helpful, um, because you want to stick with the time that you have. Again, you have those links to those public forms on the FCPS website that, um, Beth Cantu on our team has done a great job working with IT to get up in packets.

Dawn Schaefer  34:24

Um, as I attend meetings out in schools with many of you, um, we noticed that out of habit I think people go in and look at kids in their folder's view. They go find the kid on the folder. Well if you do that you'll have, um, everybody can see all your kids. So we're really suggesting that you go in through the student view and find the student that way as opposed to, um, going in through your folders view and displaying everything. Um, there is a way to disconnect SEA-STARS from the screen as you're validating or putting things on hold, um, so everybody doesn't see all the pieces that you have. Um, I'm sure we'll have a lot of questions about this part. Andrew, Did I miss anything?

Andrew Guillen  35:22

No. And I, I think it's just going to be one of those things that as you start one of these Blackboard Collaborate Ultra meetings that you maybe practice or almost like how you did a little bit of practicing to deliver your distance learning to your students, you may want to practice with a colleague, um, in the building, colleague at home and see if you can, you can make it work. I was able to do it, um, but it's again, it's not the, the tool that we're asking everybody to use.

Andrew Guillen  35:52

So in terms of MDRs. Ah, MDRs are on hold at this time, correct?

Dawn Schaefer  35:58

Correct. Lauren, if you if you have an MDR, that should have occurred prior to the break and did not occur, please email, um, me and we'll figure out a way to do that. Um, MDRs are conducted based on school days, and we don't have any of those right now, so there shouldn't be any, any need for MDRs. Um, the hearings office at this point has suspended their meetings as well. Um, there's some discussion of doing this virtually, but I'm not sure that, that they've done that yet. So we're hoping that we don't need to, um, we don't need to go to MDR. Um, alright, so let's go to the next next piece here.

Dawn Schaefer  36:47

So consent. Consent is a little bit different and we're relaxing it because we don't have the ability to pass paper to people like we've had the ability to pass paper in the past. Um, so during that meeting, you're going to say, you know, Mom, Dad, you know, are you in agreement with our proposal? They have the ability to say yes, um, verbally, and you can document that they said yes on the PWN and send them a copy of everything. There may be parents who say, Yeah, I want to take a look at everything. First, you would email the proposal to the parent, along with the PWN. They can email you back the consent. They say I agree with your proposal. There is the ability if folks have iPhones, there's the ability to sign a PDF on your iPhone. Parents may want to do that. They may want to get it through email, print it at home, sign it, scan it back to you. Totally fine. The name of the game for this is flexibility, um, and we want to be able to to get people's consent if we if we need to do that.

Dawn Schaefer  38:05

Um, finally, because we don't have paper forms at the moment, you want to upload anything that gets produced into SEA-STARS. Um, because you don't you want to make sure that you have a record of everything that we do. Andrew, you want to add?

Andrew Guillen  38:24

Ah, yeah. Just I was gonna say a lot of people are this morning, well, do we, um, you know, by chance, if you know, are we going to have to track, you know, any of, any of the processes that we might need to send home to students once we get back to school that have been completed on paper. And I can't remember Dawn. What was our, our response to them this out this morning?

Dawn Schaefer  38:52

For tracking the response? I'm sorry, I'm, I was reading the chat bar.

Andrew Guillen  38:57

That's okay. So there are a lot of people that say, okay, we're going to be doing a lot of this information, you know, through email and stuff like that. Is there still a requirement that once we get back, we send them a hard copy?

Dawn Schaefer  39:12

I think that's probably a great idea to do. Um, but honestly, at the moment, that's a little far down the list, you know.

Andrew Guillen  39:21

Ok. Yeah. Um, in terms of a script, um, let, we'll have to think about that Carrie. I think really it's we're kind of hoping that you know, parents understand that this is just unchartered territory. So, you know, but we we will try to see if we can come up with a script for that, too.

Dawn Schaefer  39:44

Yeah. All right.

Andrew Guillen  39:49

We're gonna get the proper recording in a bit Mandy.

Dawn Schaefer  39:55

So, um, we had talked about, um, Whoa, I think we both hit at the same time, Andrew. Um, why don't you hit it, and I'll talk.

Andrew Guillen  40:06


Dawn Schaefer  40:09

Alright, so these are some norms that we worked with folks, um some of your PSLs, um, to develop, beginning and ending on time, honoring the agenda, presuming positive intentions, um, one speaker at a time, speaking slowly and clearly, reducing distractions. Um, we want to silence phones and do your best about background noises. Um, my kids happen to be running around right outside the door of the room I'm in, so, um, I apologize if you hear them. Um, respecting everyone's opinions, and then allowing folks to be heard. Um, those are some of those norms.

Dawn Schaefer  40:56

Um, I do want to say a word about timelines. Um, at this point, and it may change, because things are changing daily, um, during this, um, uncertain time for everyone. Um, VDOE and US Department of Ed have said that timelines are still in place, um, and that we are still expected to meet our special education timelines. Um, but we do have the ability to extend the 65 business day timeline for eligibility, and there is a letter that we'll be getting to you guys that you can use for that purpose. Um, and it basically says, you know, we're not able to meet the timeline, and, um, we will reengage once, um, we're back to in person schooling. And so it covers that.

Dawn Schaefer  42:02

Um, Kim, ah, local screening, um, we still have a child find obligation, so we will need you guys to go to local screening as soon as possible for those, um, requests that have come in. Um, you'll make the decision that you would normally make. Um, you kind of have two options there. You could say, you know, um, at this time, ah, we don't suspect a disability. so we're not requesting testing, and if you should like to re-refer once we're back to in person school you can. Um, the other option is, um, that you could, um, say, yep, we suspected disability, um, here's what testing we want to do, and then provide that extension letter to them, and in that letter, you'd say, you know, we'll do testing once school, you know, everything resumes, um, and then that kid would go into the queue for testing once we're able to resume in-person things. Um, I think it's gonna be up to you guys as a local screening team to make a determination about which way you want to go on that. Um, I think it's really I think the cleaner way is to go ahead, and, um, take care of your timeline or take care take care of your child find proposal, which is, you know, we believe this and we're considering this, and then asked for the extension, but there might be some in which you say, yeah, you know, come back in the fall when we're in person again.

Dawn Schaefer  43:50

Um, speaking of, you know, timelines and obligations. Summer clinic. Um, I think there will be summer clinic. Um, it kind of depends on when we have the go ahead for, um, resuming our normal activities. At this point, we're, you know, schools are closed through June 12th. Um, the governor has issued to stay put order through June 10th. Um, we're we're revisiting, um, summer clinic. Um, we know that anything that gets pushed could be pushed into summer clinic or it could be pushed into the fall, um, and so right now we're working to develop, um, a plan for if summer clinic ends up, um, occurring this summer. We may need to drastically expand summer clinic for the summer in order to handle, um, what has not occurred during the closure, um, but that still remains to be seen.

Dawn Schaefer  43:51

Um, you guys are asking a lot of great questions. Um, so we're gonna get into some of that, and we have, um, colleagues from OSEI who are also on the line, and, um, during the Q&A time we'll, we'll give an opportunity to float your questions.

Dawn Schaefer  45:20

Um, so language services, um, they are still available, and we're so glad they're still available. Um on your screen, you'll see if you need an interpreter, you'll contact, um, that email that you would normally contact and or you can email Katie Han directly. She's their specialist. Um, the case manager will still need to lead the conversation and the interpreter can only be interpreting what's said. Um, they can't add or edit any part of the conversation, so and that's no different, but I think it just becomes a little more complicated when we're on the phone, um, or through this, this channel. Um, alright.

Dawn Schaefer  46:14

IT has developed a, an, um virtual meeting infographic guide that you can, um, access. Ah, you can still email the cost center, you can still call the. um, IT service desk for assistance. Um, you'll use BBCU. You can use Google Meet for individual meetings. Um, if you have VOIP in your building, the voice over IP, you should forward your desk phone to a number that you can be reached at. Um, and you can still use star 67 to mask your personal cell phone number if you need to. Um, we recognize that not everybody has an FCPS issued num-, um, phone number.

Dawn Schaefer  47:02

I don't know if you've seen the news, but, ah, Zoom has had some interesting hackers come on into the into meetings, and so, ah, FCPS has never approved Zoom for use, um, and I'm reading that other school divisions who have approved Zoom for use are taking away that approval, because of all the things that hackers are doing to Zoom sessions. So, um, while Zoom is kind of a cool tool, please don't use it. Um, it's just not a secure location.

Dawn Schaefer  47:40

We have some, um, department chair and lead teacher expectations, and case manager expectations, and FAQs that are all in the works. Um, all of that information is coming soon. There's a 504 case managers action plan that's also coming soon. Um, ah please know that we've we in central office have been working our tails off for the last couple of weeks to try to, um, figure out a direction and figure out what we're doing based on the information that we have, and the information that we're getting, and things are changing daily. Um, and so, you know, what we're giving to you guys is what we have today. Um, and, you know, we we do know things keep changing. Um, and as soon as we know, anything, we'll we'll try to get that information out to you all. Um, we just, um, we are doing our very best to put this information together for you guys and, um, make it so that all of you can meet all the needs of the kids, um, that are out there.

Dawn Schaefer  48:53

Um, so let's see here. We also recognize that, um, this is a super, super stressful time. Um, I know I've had a ton of trouble sleeping the last three weeks and, um, it's the unknown. It's the stress. Um, it's also tough to be on, um, the computer, eight, eight hours a day or however many hours a day, um, sitting in front of a screen or on a teleconference or on a BBCU. Um, so try to schedule time to, to walk away, um, even if it's just five minutes in between meetings where you get up, you walk away, you do what you need to do. Um, and take and take care of yourself. Take care of your family. Um, it is it's tough, um, but we're all in this together and, um, this too shall pass.

Dawn Schaefer  49:50

Um, so with that, um, we still have our DPE help email and I know, actually most of the DPE team is on this, um, ah, this, ah, this BBCU session. So, hey guys. Um, our 4470 numbers still works. If you call that number, you may get a voicemail, um, and then, ah, we are picking up those voicemails. We are forwarding those voicemails. Um, if you have your specialist's direct line, um, those numbers are forwarded. So you may actually get a human being. But that email is preferred because our entire team sees those, um, sees those DPE help emails and it just helps me we're not all working in the same place. Um, our intranet site is also still up and running and we're still, um, you know, posting things there. So we'll see a bunch of stuff. um, we'll see a bunch of stuff posted. Probably these PowerPoints. Andrew, are these PowerPoints going on our DPE site? Our are they going somewhere else?

Andrew Guillen  51:08

Good question. So I'm hoping to put them on the DPE site, um, as soon as possible. I know the recording will go up pretty much, ah, by tomorrow, early morning to by noon. But yes, I'm working with Quiana to get them up on the DPE site.

Dawn Schaefer  51:25

Okay, thank you. Um, the section 504 site is still there as well. Kathy is putting some information there. Um, the CTR support team, like the rest of us, they are also working remotely. Um, so if you do end up needing SEA-STAR support, and, um Amanda, thank you, um, use their email address, and they can get back to you because I know they're all working too.

Dawn Schaefer  51:54

Um, alright, here's the time you've all been waiting for. Um, if you want to talk or you want to ask a verbal question, go ahead and raise your hand and we'll moderate for, um, the next hour or so. Um, and we'll also work on trying to answer some of the questions that you've typed in the chat window too, because the whole session will, um, be recorded. And, uh, Bri, you're up.

Bri Kodadek  52:23

Hi, thanks for taking my question. Um, I have some seniors who we opened reeval and proposed testing. What should we do with those students since we can't necessarily extend the timeline since they won't be coming back to school since they're graduating? Thank you.

Dawn Schaefer  52:40

Thank you for asking that I know we have a we have a there's a kind of a touchy situation that's like that. That's in one of our buildings. Um, we're still exploring what to do with those, um, situations. If you have one of those, would you mind emailing, um, emailing me that student's name and ID number? Um, this is everybody. If you have a situation just like that, where you propose testing for a kid who is graduating, we want to, um, know what that impact is to help us make a decision about how to handle those. So email those, um, to me, and we'll figure that piece out. Thanks for that question. Um, Kim?

Kim Shott  53:28

Hi, um, I kind of have a unique situation. So in my household, I work at my high school, my husband works at my high school, and my son is also a student at my high school. And, so in the space in our house, I'm really worried about the confidentiality when I'm holding these meetings and I'm wondering, is there any way, because my principal didn't really know. Is there any way that I could get access to a building or will or something because I really am concerned just about how many people in my house have to be online at the same time and what kind of overlap there is.

Dawn Schaefer  54:05

Unfortunately, nobody has access. Um, right now. I'm sitting in the study at my house in my entire family is here. Um, kind of similar situation to everybody else. Um, there has been some discussion about potentially allowing, um, certain people to go into the buildings, but I don't think that, um, has come to fruition or that anybody put that out yet. So, um, I would I would suggest, um, being as separate as you can. Um, in the morning session, towards the end of it, my eight year old was doing his daily Taekwondo lesson online while we were finishing up, um, our meeting and I just grabbed a pair of headphones and use those, um, and used the chat bar as much as I could. Um, so that, you know, you guys didn't hear the good time that was going on in my my living room. Um, but I would suggest, you know, separating as much as you can. All right, sorry, I don't have a better answer, Kim.

Andrew Guillen  55:17

So Dawn, can I say something before you go on. So one of the things that you'll need to be cognizant about. I have that similar situation. So this morning, my network went own because I was on delivering this training, my wife was on a Blackboard Collaborate, using FCPS DSS and my two kids were on Blackboard Collaborate receiving distance learning. So I think it's just going to be one of those things that we're really going to have to, to work collaboratively with. Um, and yes, I wish we were allowed back in the schools, but at this time, the governor's orders not letting us do that.

Dawn Schaefer  55:56

All right, so, Freeman, you're up.

Unknown  56:02

There. Okay. Um, so I have, I think I have four questions that are not in order. The first question is, is there any suggested use for paraprofessionals going forward? I heard you say something about having them help with the meetings, but in terms of instructions and things, also any specific guidance or ideas?

Dawn Schaefer  56:23

That's being worked on today? And, um, I'm going to pitch that to Ellie. I don't know, Ellie, if you have any additional information on that.

Ellie Stack  56:34

Thank you, Dawn. Hey, everybody. Um, you're right Dawn. We are working on finalizing that training today and resources. The general guidance is yes, we can be using our paraprofessionals and we know that it's going to look different in many in, in almost every situation. Some paraprofessionals, um, have access to technology at home. Some do not, since we did not provide a FCPS laptop to most of them. Some, um, can be used in a variety of different ways, ah, depending on your paraprofessional and your needs. But we have pulled together a, like I said a resource, of some ideas of how they can be used and, uh, we're working on finalizing the training for this afternoon. So more information to come.

Dawn Schaefer  57:26

Okay, thanks, Ellie. Oh, sorry. Go ahead.

Unknown  57:31

What has been shared with related service providers like us? And then also say, social workers, psychologists regarding their availability for participating in meetings? Um, like do they have office hours or time guidance that we need to work around for our sped meetings also?

Dawn Schaefer  57:48

That's a great question, I'm not privy to what, um, related service provider leadership has shared with them. Um, Ellie, are you privy to that?

Ellie Stack  57:59

Um, I apologize. I was typing in the response chat window and I did not hear the question.

Unknown  58:08

No problem. I was asking what has been shared with our social workers, our psychologists and the related service providers around their, ta- their availability for these meetings? Do they have office hours or time guidance that we need to work around?

Ellie Stack  58:25

So I'm not sure, so I see that, uh, Stephanie has mentioned social workers are aware. I do know that are related service providers who also returned back to work this week, um, they're getting messages from their leadership, and they realize that this might be a part of their, um, of what we're doing moving forward. So as Shira said in the chat window. Uh, Shira, I didn't know you were on. Hey there. Um, but yes, go ahead and reach out to your related service providers. Okay.

Unknown  58:54

Teachers are required to to have these office hours and we know that we're, I'm an admin. So we're talking about how much time is that can be absorbed for talking to parents and then doing one to one support with students, so now as we look at also having them participate in IEP meetings, like I know, in our normal school process, IEP meetings were easily 60 to 90 minutes per student. So what's being communicated to teachers about additional time requirements for IEP meetings and/or what flexibility might the county consider regarding in these meetings, we need to just focus on critical points or if there are things that are being changed so we can really manage the time for the IEP meeting, and then also the time we're using that phone line.

Dawn Schaefer  59:42

So that's part of why we're allowing entire IEPS to be drafted at this point, um, in order to help streamline these conversations. Um, I do think that you know, um, folks, teachers are going to be probably use some of those office hours for IEP meetings. Um, and, um, that will just, we'll have to, to remain flexible, um, on that as well. It's going to be a lot, and we recognize that, um, yeah. You had a fourth question.

Unknown  1:00:25

I saw some guidance from, um, I think it was from OSEP and OCR saying that we need to consider and specifically discuss compensatory services for students, and then I see someone else has a question about, um, when we're talking about kids who have ESY, just when we have students who we know they have some critical needs and some support time that you know, that they need, at what point should we start having those discussions or documenting that? Like, suppose the child's IEP is coming up now?

Dawn Schaefer  1:00:56

Okay. So, um, I'm gonna go back to the triangle here. Um, whoops, well, we can pivot at the same time. So we're still meeting our timelines for all of these, um, initial and annual IEP meetings. Those are still going to need to occur. For kids who are not in any kind of a process, sorry, that blue is the same blue is at the bottom of the triangle. Um, we're still doing that letter that outlines what's happening for kids, just during the closure that TLP is going to say, here's what we're working on. Here's the kind of hours you're getting. And again, we're not doing the same level of services that we would have otherwise done, um, because we just don't have that kind of access to students. Um, for, um, for the ESY discussion, um, I think that all of our services, um, you know, our regular services are starting when school starts, that's the plan. Um, Ellie, did you want to weigh in on ESY at all?

Ellie Stack  1:02:26

ESY is a hard one, similar to the recommendation, or what you mentioned about summer clinic. At this point, we don't know exactly what ESY is going to look like. So, if a conversation has to happen now, I would say the best information that we have available is that it is going to look like what it what we were planning for it to look like, with the understanding that, as of now, we know that schools are closed until June 10 and we are not sure if that's going to be extended and we don't know when we will find out. Um, so best case scenario, I would plan with the knowledge we have, knowing that it might not occur.

Dawn Schaefer  1:03:08

So I want to, I want to visit for a second, the IEPs because I see a bunch of questions coming in and it's sort of tangential to your, um, your ESY question. So for if you need to do an initial or an annual IEP, for an initial IEP, services will begin in August. On the PLOP page of that IEP, you're going to put in what is going to happen in the meantime. We are working on getting you guys some, some, language that you can use, um, on that PLOP page to kind of outline it.

Dawn Schaefer  1:03:49

For annual IEPs, again, you're going to put services starting in the fall. Let's, um say you met today for a kid's annual IEP. Um, on the plot page, you're putting what happens the rest of this year, and then services will begin in August. Um, it I think it doesn't make a lot of sense for you to fill in services for the rest of the school year and then say, oh, but we're not providing that we're going to go over to the PLOP page and we're going to tell you what we are going to do. It makes sense to say okay, for this year, here's what we're doing on the PLOP page. For the fall, here's what we're proposing, um, going forward.

Dawn Schaefer  1:04:37

So your testing and all of those pieces you're going to propose as though it's gonna be all for next year. I'm Carrie we're gonna work through with we're working with HR and staffing, their, their data, if they were to try to use it right now, would be a mess. Um, and so we're going to work with them to look back, um, to prior to the break, and then look forward to what's been done for, um, initials and annuals for starting in the fall. Um, we recognize that staffing is going to be a little bit difficult. Um, okay. Did that answer all four of your questions?

Unknown  1:05:22

Yes, it sure did. Thank you so much.

Dawn Schaefer  1:05:24

Okay. You're welcome. Carson, you're up.

Carson  1:05:28

Hey, thanks. Um, so given that, ah, tines are to be adhere to, would your suggestion be, um, when get back, if we start roll in meetings that week of the 14th when we get back that we should prioritize things are still in compliance, and then make up those March meetings, as opposed to looking at things that were already missed, because what's the difference of one day a number of days out of compliance?

Dawn Schaefer  1:05:59

So I think you're gonna probably need to split your focus a little bit and prioritize kind of in a dual way. Um, I have some data from, um, from, ah, our data management folks regarding, um, stuff that should have been done in March all the way up through, um, the third week in April that I'm going to send out to PSLs to share with you all so that you can focus your work. I think, um, it certainly is touching base with folks. Um, those parents and letting them know, hey, we know we should have had a meeting. Let's get that scheduled, as well as working through scheduling, um, the stuff that is due. Does that make sense?

Carson  1:06:48

Yes, thanks.

Dawn Schaefer  1:06:50

Sure. Um, Kylie.

Kylie Eldredge  1:06:57

Yeah, sorry. Sorry about that. I couldn't get my microphone on. Thank you. I just had I saw someone else had this question too, about [inaudible]. Just wondering if there has been a waiver for seniors who are graduating with a standard diploma, or are we proceeding, you know, if they haven't yet passed that test yet, or, um, you know, we were hoping for May opportunities. What's our procedure for that?

Dawn Schaefer  1:07:23

That's a great question. Um, I see, Janelle, you've got your hand up, and, um, Ellie, um,  hopefully, you're still here. Do you all have any information on that?

Ellie Stack  1:07:35

So for the students who have already taken the SOLs, you can move forward with the process like you would if we were in school. The state is, ah, we're still waiting for the final guidance from the state regarding, you know, officially the SOLs being cancelled. The last I heard is I think they were but we need that official. And then what we're going to be able to do for the [inaudible]. They referenced [inaudible] in one of their FAQs, ah, but I haven't seen that it's been fully developed for the rest of this year. Now, um, if the testing is officially canceled.

Dawn Schaefer  1:08:19

Thank you, Ellie. All right. Um, did that answer all of your questions Kylie? All right. Um, Janelle?

Janelle Ellis  1:08:43

Yeah. Thank you. Hello everybody. Um, this is Janelle with career and transition services and I saw there was a question about the transition plans and will how ETRs are going to be involved in those. And right now, the ETRs are contacting all the students and families on their caseload. They're reaching out to the students and they're looking at their caseload and, um, kind of prioritizing needs reviewing the needs. They are available to help with transition plans, um, especially for their caseload students, and they can do the plan for those students if needed. Um, reaching out to them individually is probably the best thing to do right now. Um, for other students in the building, who have transition plans that need to be part, need to be completed for upcoming IEP, they can provide some input and help. Um, right now there are three schools that have substitute ETRs, so they don't, just be aware of that really know the students as well on the caseload, so they're kind of going to be doing the best they can, but those are Oakton, Fairfax, and Edison. Um, they will use different means to contact students and parents and just depending on the needs of the students, so they may do one-to-one interaction through Google Meet, or through the telephone or through email. Um, they're just going to do their best to get input for all the transition plans, input from the parents and so on. So, um, I would suggest just reaching out to them definitely, um, as you would other related service people in your building. Um-

Dawn Schaefer  1:10:19

Thank you Janelle.

Janelle Ellis  1:10:20

Sure. I did have a question, too about I'm getting a lot of quite lo-, well ETRs are getting a lot of questions from families, about referrals that for 18 to 22 programs that were in process or that are coming up at IEP meetings, so students who are looking at Davis, Pulley, or STEP for next year and what, how and when those referrals will go forward and how to do that. So, I don't expect an answer right now. but, um, I just know that something that we need to be providing some answers to for parents and-

Dawn Schaefer  1:10:54

Yeah. I think, um, Janelle, that that question may go hand in hand with the the concept of change of placement right now in general. Um, we, um in between, and during this meeting, actually, there's been some email traffic, about, you know, allowing for changes of placement right now, you know. Our schools are all closed. Um, and believe it or not, private day schools are all closed as well, um, and so there really isn't an opportunity for change of placements at the moment. Um, I think we're still working on, um, trying to, to figure out what kind of process we want to use for that, um, and it may it may be that, um, Davis, Pulley, and STEP falls right into that, um, into that thinking too. Um, so thanks for adding that Janelle. All right. Um, Laurie.

Laurie Aleman  1:12:08

Hi, this is Laurie. Um, I have two questions. My first question is about eligibility. I know you said that we will be extending the timelines, but what about the cases that we are like half done with the KTEA, and, how are we going to handle that? Are we going to just start fresh in the fall? I know they're good for a year. Are we going to continue testing in the fall? Any thoughts on that one?

Dawn Schaefer  1:12:35

Um, that question actually came up this morning as well and, um, one of the things like Natalie just said, can you just pick up and do form B when you come back later? That's, those are great questions. Unfortunately, I'm not your, ah, KTEA a person. Um, Terry Aliabadi I saw you on here. I don't know if you guys have talked about that in psych services. If you want to turn your mic on and weigh in or if you, um, if we want to hold on an answer to that until we all can powwow and figure out what we want to say about that.

Teri  1:13:11

Hi, Dawn. This is Terry.

Dawn Schaefer  1:13:13


Teri  1:13:14

Hi. This just this question came up for us in terms of any evaluations that were unfinished, and we were actually waiting for guidance from your office with regards to any eligibility determination. So-

Dawn Schaefer  1:13:29


Teri  1:13:30


Dawn Schaefer  1:13:31

So, um,

Teri  1:13:33

So we're still-

Dawn Schaefer  1:13:34

Go head.

Teri  1:13:35

So we're still waiting to hear?

Dawn Schaefer  1:13:37

Yes. So what I can say is that, we are going to utilize that extension of timelines letter that asked the parent to agree essentially to just place a hold on this until we have, um, in-person schooling occurring again, for anything that's in process, because we know we can't do evaluations right now. Um, and so if a parent would not agree to extend those timelines, then we would go to eligibility with the information that we have. Um, it's highly likely that student, if we don't have any data, um, would be found ineligible. Um, but that's kind of where we are with that. Hopefully, that helps. Just a little bit.

Teri  1:14:30

It does. Um. my other question is do we have a due date for when our teachers need to send out their progress reports for third quarter?

Dawn Schaefer  1:14:41

I think the progress report date was extended by the school board. Um, I had I April 24th is sticking out in my mind. Oh, yeah. Cary you have the same date in mind, too. So I think that's probably the date.

Teri  1:14:59


Dawn Schaefer  1:15:00

Um, so I think they pushed it out two weeks.

Teri  1:15:03

Great. Thank you very much for all this information.

Dawn Schaefer  1:15:07

You're welcome. Carrie Pecoraro.

Carrie Pecoraro  1:15:13

Yeah. Hi. Um, I think I have two questions here that are just clarifying. So for transition meetings, we are not holding them right now? I have high school students going forward, who are supposed to be going to Pulley next year and I have, you know, upcoming middle schoolers?

Dawn Schaefer  1:15:30


Carrie Pecoraro  1:15:32

I guess I'm just trying to ask for more clarity on that.

Dawn Schaefer  1:15:35

So I think for, um, I think for kids who are transitioning preschool to k, or, um, five to six, or six to seven, or eight to nine, um, for those kids, we're going to need to continue to have those meetings. Um, those, you know, I did the preschool to K and the six to seven transition when I was in the classroom, um, and, you know, we have those kids that it's a super easy kind of straightforward transition for and then we have those kids that, um, it's not, and you really need a lot of planning and conversation. Um, for those kids, I would say, for the second kind of kid, I would suggest you might end up needing to a BBCU meeting for those kids. The point though, is you have to have something in place for the fall, um, and then, um, some of those kids will make that contact parent, they may say just send it home to me. Um, that's also a possibility. Um, it just I think it's really going to depend. Sorry, I don't have a kind of a black and white answer. Um, I think the transition from, um, you know, regular high school to a Pulley or a Davis, um, is a slightly different, because it's not you're, not everybody is matriculating that way. Um, so hang tight on the other answer. Sorry about that.

Carrie Pecoraro  1:17:12

No, it's okay. Um, and then I I kind of have another question. So if a student is in the middle of an FBA, um, are we holding that, because in the IEP, you know, it would have stated that we were going to come back to me to review the data, or are we just hold holding an addendum to state that we're going to come back at the beginning of the year? Or what is your advice on that one?

Dawn Schaefer  1:17:39

Um Ellie and I were texting about that, uh, that question that came up in the morning session, and it was kind of a, you know, each one of us thought the other one had the answer to that question, um, and so we are working on, um, putting, putting together our heads and figuring out the answer to that question. So hang tight on that. I apologize that we don't have a solid answer on FBAs and BIPs at the moment.

Dawn Schaefer  1:18:06


Carrie Pecoraro  1:18:07

Thank you.

Dawn Schaefer  1:18:08

Sure. Um, Katelyn Charbonneau.

Katelyn Charbonneau  1:18:12

Hi, I have two quick questions. Um, since services aren't going to start until August and there's no fourth quarter progress, does that mean teachers don't need to collect data or instruction on the proposed goals?

Dawn Schaefer  1:18:28

I think if you, yes, I think so. Because you're going to outline either on the PLOP page or on the TLP, that temporary learning plan, um, what, what you are going to instruct  on during this time.

Katelyn Charbonneau  1:18:43

Okay. And then we have to hold it meaning through September 30 and eligibilities through November, is that still a requirement?

Dawn Schaefer  1:18:54

That's a good question. I think, um, like summer clinic, and like ESY, and, um, all those other sort of usual operating, um, benchmarks that we have those two dates that have been required forever and ever, um, are probably they're up in the air right now. I usually do the, um, the eligibility dates and you know, through September 30, or what have you, um, and then you know, the last date for referrals to local screening, um, letter, and then Debbie Lorenzo, my colleague, does, um, the end of year memo, if you will. Um, we've put both of those on hold at the moment because, you know, things are happening so quickly. Um, that's part of why we think that, um, if we go back to normal operation in the summer, um, we'll have a big, um, a large group of things that need to happen in summer clinic. Um, and if normal operations don't happen until the fall, then we're gonna have a lot that needs to occur in the fall. Um, I'm sorry, I don't have a more solid answer on that piece.

Katelyn Charbonneau  1:20:09

That's okay. Thank you

Dawn Schaefer  1:20:14

Um. Latifa.

Unknown  1:20:19

Hi, thank you so much for this time to answer questions. My first question was around progress reports. Um, the due date being April 24th, um and you may have answered this, are there particular language that we might be using, um, as I think about, ah, not having a full quarter to be able to collect data for progress reports?

Dawn Schaefer  1:20:43

I think it's gonna vary kid by kid. Um, some folks took home the data that they had prior to March 12, some folks weren't able to go in and get that. Um, I think it's going to have to say work on some language for you, um, but I, you know, off the top of my the COVID-19 school closures. data was not collected for the entire quarter. Um, data collected prior to March 12, shows that blah, blah, blah, if you will. Um, I think if you know, folks are unable to get back into buildings to collect, to get their data, um, they're gonna have to say that to.

Unknown  1:21:25

And, I have, thank you. I have one other question. Um this is around turnaround training to our case managers for all of this. You know, we're gonna be on spring break next week. So is the expectation that we're giving this information out between tomorrow and Friday?

Dawn Schaefer  1:21:43

I think that's probably what's going to mostly happen, um, for you all. Um, we, while we've been on this session, we got word that the morning recording is ready. So, um, the folks who do that are turning these around more quickly than they usually do. Um, Andrew and I are going to meet after this session, ah, when to figure out, um, when to post everything and where to post everything, and we'll put something out to you guys about that. Almost certainly through your PSLs.

Unknown  1:22:16

Thank you.

Dawn Schaefer  1:22:17

You're welcome. Did you have another question?

Unknown  1:22:21

No. You answered it.

Dawn Schaefer  1:22:23

Awesome. All right. Missy?

Missy Witt  1:22:27

Oh, yeah, yes. Hello, everyone. I just had a-

Dawn Schaefer  1:22:30


Missy Witt  1:22:30

quick question about. How are you? A quick question about any IEPs that we may still have, um, outstanding as far as we document home with the parent after the meeting, um, before school that out? Can we close those out in the same manner as new IEPs with electronic or verbal consent?

Dawn Schaefer  1:22:50

Yeah, you're gonna have to.

Missy Witt  1:22:52

Okay. All right. That was my question. Thank you.

Dawn Schaefer  1:22:56

Awesome. Sure. Woo.

Woo  1:23:00

Hey, good afternoon. I have a couple questions. One of them is about the temporary learning plan. I might have missed it. But when did you say we might have access to it?

Dawn Schaefer  1:23:14

About 10 minutes after I do.

Woo  1:23:16

Okay. Okay. And then, another questions then, is regarding evidence-based programs? Is there any guidance in terms of how our instructors are able to present that material what they can and cannot share with families?

Dawn Schaefer  1:23:35

Um, I'm going to toss out to Ellie in just a second. But, um, in all seriousness, um, the temporary learning plan, um, I put that forward for, um, leadership review and, um,  counsel review. Um, it's just not quite ready to go out. So as soon as all the folks who need to weigh in on it Have weighed in on it, um, we'll we'll send that out to you guys. We know it's a timely issue. And, um, honestly, I was hoping to have it ready to reference during this, um, during the sessions today, but they just aren't ready yet. Um, I'm going to toss to Ellie to talk about evidence-based programs.

Ellie Stack  1:24:15

All right. So, evidence-based programs. I love that you're asking about this. We are working with all of the different companies and vendors that we purchase our evidence-based programs from in order to get different levels of permissions that are required in order for us to share or use programs in a digital platform rather than face to face. And depending on the company, some companies have opened their door and said use whatever you want. Other companies have said no, we're not able to use any across a digital platform. So we are developing guidance once again, um, as we speak it is being finalized or being worked on, uh, finalized for the companies that we receive guidance. The main thing to know is that we are not expecting any of our teachers to implement any of the programs with fidelity as if they were in the class-based program, you know, face to face seeing our students, uh, eight, six hours a day, for five days a week. The message that we are getting is that for the programs we can use, that teachers are going to use the parts of the programs that they're able to use to work on the skills that the students need to work on, and companies are acknowledging their programs were not meant for digital learning, whether it's synchronous, or asynchronous, and they're giving us the flexibility to use the parts that we can use, and there might even be some situations where we don't, can't use one program, because one company has said we cannot use their programs, though distance learning, and maybe we substitute it with a different program, or different strategies during this time. But guidance is going to be coming. Um, I'm hoping to have it for you all tomorrow in Blackboard 24/7. But like I said, because it's all legal regarding copyrights, uh, we do need to make sure everything is in place before we could share it.

Woo  1:26:17

Thanks, Ellie. One more question. While you mentioned that permission piece. I know prior to school closing we had a few teachers go out on training for Orton Gillingham type of program. Is that under similar guidance right now, too.

Ellie Stack  1:26:31

I love that you're asking this. Oh my gosh, you're making my day. Um, after the past few weeks, we've had it's great to have these type of questions. So Orton Gillingham. Um, we are still working with, uh, the company that we work with, to, uh, get guidance on that. For those of you who have teachers who are in the middle of training, uh, we have been told that we could actually continue the training virtually, but what we haven't been able to talk about at all is could we actually ask teachers, or could we actually provide it, uh, in this day and age, and that question, I'm not going to [inaudible] until after spring break about whether or not we can continue that training. But yeah, so Orton Gillingham, that is something that we are looking at, uh, what our abilities are with that as well.

Dawn Schaefer  1:27:26

Thank you, Ellie. Um, unlike this morning, there's not a huge backlog of folks, um, asking, raising their hand tp ask questions right now, nobody's got a hand up. Um, oh. There you are. I see three of you. Okay. Heather Hendershot. You're up.

Heather Hendershot  1:27:46

Hey, there just a quick question about kids in reeval who we had initiated. Um, if we have proposed testing, I know we talked about extending the timelines, but for those kids who, um, it's not necessarily a question whether or not they're going to continue to be eligible, some of our CAT B, kids, um, is it possible to close it out without the testing and then come back and do the testing later, just to close the process or do you want us to extend those timelines for everyone?

Dawn Schaefer  1:28:15

I think for kids in that particular situation, you could probably come back within the appropriate timeline and close out that, um, eligibility and find them re-eligible. I do know we have folks, um, working on some, um, flowcharts and some sort of decision points, um, and so that might be something that we can consider, for sure, um is, you know, kids that we already asked for testing for, um, asking to extend the timelines. I think it's really going to be dependent on the conversation that you have with that parent about the extension of that timeline. You know, um, if they say, no, I don't want to extend the timeline for the re-eval, then you would go back without the testing, um, and, and, go straight to eligibility. Does that kind of makes sense?

Heather Hendershot  1:29:10

Yeah, I'm just thinking we had a bunch of eighth graders, um, who we had proposed testing on and so they wouldn't be with us anyways, next year. Um-

Dawn Schaefer  1:29:18


Heather Hendershot  1:29:18

So, I was thinking it might, it might be better to close them out, and then they could go to high school and do what they needed to do there, as opposed to kind of letting it trickle over.

Dawn Schaefer  1:29:29

Yeah, maybe. Maybe. That's something you probably want to touch base, um, with the high school department chair about to kind of figure out how you want to approach it.

Heather Hendershot  1:29:39

Okay, great. Thank you.

Andrew Guillen  1:29:41

Dawn, this is Andrew, Can I add something?

Dawn Schaefer  1:29:44


Andrew Guillen  1:29:45

I think the key here is going to be that collaboration this summer between the hand off file, if you will, to that high school department chair, maybe giving them a heads up that these were the kids that found that you know, we didn't have enough data. My fear is that once they get to high school, if we don't, they could get lost.

Dawn Schaefer  1:30:09

Yeah, I think that makes sense.

Heather Hendershot  1:30:11

Yeah. Yeah. Making sure that the testing still gets completed because we proposed it.

Andrew Guillen  1:30:15


Dawn Schaefer  1:30:16

Yes. Um, Heather, did you have another question?

Heather Hendershot  1:30:21

That's all I had. Thank you very much.

Dawn Schaefer  1:30:23

Thanks. Linda Shannon. Linda, we're not-. Linda, are you there?

Unknown  1:30:37

Oh. I'm trying.

Dawn Schaefer  1:30:38

Oh. I can here you.

Unknown  1:30:39

I'm not sure.

Dawn Schaefer  1:30:40

Linda I can here you.

Unknown  1:30:41

Ok. Thank you so much. Okay, so, um, you guys have published this earlier. So I'm just looking for a little bit of guidance. I'm thinking about teacher time in terms of not even close to equity, because our special ed teachers will by far be working over what's been established in that outline, but my worry is we've made the best practice not to say I can't, we don't, we won't. But what guidance do I give special ed teachers when they're getting demands from parents either for individualized instruction or support that far exceeds their office hours? So it's, it's not as if they could say, well, I have an office hour session on Thursday, they could be three deep. Um, so without saying we can't, I don't have time to, what what wording and language would be good?

Dawn Schaefer  1:31:32

That's a great question. Um, Ellie, I know your team has really talked a lot about the instructional side of things. Did you have any guidance on that?

Ellie Stack  1:31:42

I think that is an excellent question, because you're right, parents are going to be asking. Um, and that is one. At this point, I would say, uh, for us to talk with your leadership and PSL about and I'm more than willing to be a part of those conversations. Ah, a lot of what we've been planning for is, uh, you know, the typical, knowing that it's these atypical situations that are going to be, you know, taking up a lot of our time as they do during the school year, um, but I do think we're going to have to, that would be one for us to talk together about ways to word that, um, because this is so different than the regular school year, where we're trying to not say that. Um, unfortunately, nowadays, I think there are gonna be times where we actually have to say that, and, um, but I think that's a good one for us to talk about.

Dawn Schaefer  1:32:39

Thanks, Ellie.

Unknown  1:32:40

Okay, thank you so much.

Dawn Schaefer  1:32:43

Linda, did you have another question?

Unknown  1:32:46

No. That was it. I just, uh, had a parent actually say that her entire child's staff was essential in her eyes and needed to come in and start teaching immediately. So I mean, the level of expectation is just pretty, um, intense. So I'm glad you guys can hear that and will continue to send guidance.

Dawn Schaefer  1:33:03

Yeah, this whole thing is intense. Um, ah, Woo, you're up.

Woo  1:33:10

Thank you. I had a question about out of school services. So we have students currently on homebound and home base, and I think I saw some questions pop up on the chat window, too, but I didn't see an answer. How are we to address that, if anything? Or what considerations might we need to do during the IEP meeting?

Dawn Schaefer  1:33:29

It's my understanding that those kids who have been on homebound and home based are being returned, um, virtually to their base, um, for instruction. Um, if someone else has more reason or better guidance on that, either Ellie or Andrew, I would appreciate that.

Andrew Guillen  1:33:54

That is the guidance that I have Dawn.

Dawn Schaefer  1:34:00

Awesome. Thank you.

Woo  1:34:00

Thank you. I just saw Tammy send out something about Kurt Mills sending a message to us. I actually did not get that message. Tammy, would you mind forwarding that to me?

Dawn Schaefer  1:34:11

Or, um, you can put it in the chat window or put some of the language in the chat window. Tammy, that might be helpful for everybody. Thank you.

Woo  1:34:20

Awesome. And my last question, this is actually from a parent. And it might be a little bit too far down the road to actually have a definitive answer. But the parent was asking, because we have no SOLs right now and probably no way of finishing the wise assessment and CTE credential, basically, how might that impact their child's future graduation given that they're current underclassmen?

Dawn Schaefer  1:34:44

That's a great question. Ellie, do you have any? Um, do you want to weigh in on that?

Ellie Stack  1:34:53

Unfortunately, I don't have the answer to that either at this time, but that's something we can put on our list and, uh, to look into and I know it's hard to hear that there are so many things that we still don't have answers to. Unfortunately, that's the reality. And I know you all are experiencing it as well, but all we can do is add it to our list and, um, see what we can find out.

Dawn Schaefer  1:35:16

Thanks, Ellie. Sorry, Woo. We don't have great answers. I'm Angie Myers.

Angie Myers  1:35:24

Hi, yeah, I totally hear you guys about not knowing for sure when all of these different, um, aspects of guidance are going to be coming out. But do you have sort of a ballpark expectation that you could give us? You know, I just want to make sure that, uh, we're not scheduling meetings, um, for a week and a half from now if, um, you know, this really is going to be like a two week process or a three week process, just some sort of general idea?

Dawn Schaefer  1:35:59

I'm hopeful that we'll at least have the timeline extension letter to you guys, before you go on spring break. It may be that the TLP might take just a little bit longer. Um, Polly, if you could run and get Kurt, that'd be great. Thank you. Um, but we're, we're really working on it.

Dawn Schaefer  1:36:30

One thing that may cause us to hate to use it again, pivot, again, um, is that we're expecting a little bit more information, um, potentially, to come out of the US Department of Ed by the end of this week, um, and so we're not waiting for that necessarily, but I just want to put it on your radar that there may be, we may have to change again.

Angie Myers  1:36:54

Okay, so do you recommend then that we do sort of give it a little bit more time? Maybe, you know, and I know, those of us who have a lot of meetings to cram into two days a week and one telephone line are a little panicky. So, you know, any guidance you guys have about when to start and with, like, how much is enough for us to kind of get this going, you know.

Dawn Schaefer  1:37:21

If I were to prioritize, I would prioritize any local screening referrals that have come in. Um, because you need to meet on those. Um, I think if you know, you have initial or annual IEPs due you can schedule those. Um, I think that would probably give you plenty to do to get scheduled, um, over the next little bit of time, don't you think?

Angie Myers  1:37:51

Yeah, it just sounds, there was specific language going on PLOP pages and, um, specific language for like the notices and communication and all of that. So, um, if that's going to be, you know, on an initial IEP or an annual IEP, um, you know, but again, I just want to a ballpark sort of idea of, of when that might be available.

Dawn Schaefer  1:38:19

We're hoping by the end of the week for all of it. Yeah.

Angie Myers  1:38:26

Thank you.

Dawn Schaefer  1:38:27

You're welcome. Um, Natalie. Alrighty, think I have my mic on?

Dawn Schaefer  1:38:37

You do.

Natalie Valenzuela  1:38:37

Hi, everyone. Okay, good. Um, in terms of our seniors who are looking at graduation 2020, so just a couple months away, we have, you know, several that maybe we're not doing so well, when school is closed, um, and he diploma type that they currently have on their IEP, um, whether or not they can meet those requirements is debatable at this moment in time. I guess my question is, they don't have any opportunity to improve, I believe at this point in time. Um, so where they were on March 13, would that determine their final deployment option?

Dawn Schaefer  1:39:25

Ellie, do you want to address that?

Ellie Stack  1:39:28

That is something that I know this is, uh, being discussed and addressed as sort of ongoing, now that the, uh, SOLs are officially canceled. That is something they're looking at is, um, not only for the students who are on online to graduate this year, with the, um, you know, with the standard or advanced studies, but also the students who really knew they were going be working hard to get to that standard this year, sort of what are the options at this point? So that is another one, uh, is for the list. Uh, information will be coming.

Dawn Schaefer  1:40:16

Thank you, Ellie. Um, Kurt was kind enough to, to join us and Kurt, if you, um, want to unmute your mic and weigh in on how we're handling home based and homebound students, that would be really helpful.

Dawn Schaefer  1:40:47

Just to let you know, Kurt, we can't hear you.

Dawn Schaefer  1:40:57

Feel free to type it into the chat window as opposed to, um, doing it over the mic, and you can let us know how you want to, um, handle that. That's it. Oh, it looks like Kurt has left for a second. We'll, we'll let him weigh in in just a few minutes and when he gets back on, we'll have him jump right in. Um, Natalie, did you have any other questions? Sorry to cut you off.

Natalie Valenzuela  1:41:29

Um, not that come to mind right at this moment. I'm trying to keep a list, um, as we go down.

Dawn Schaefer  1:41:37

Okay, Sounds good.

Janelle Ellis  1:41:39

This is Janelle. Can I just say one more thing about the students who maybe weren't quite on track where they should be for senior year to graduate? Um, some of the information that we've gotten in IS about the students who were, um, that there is some extension of time to turn in work from the third quarter, so that they can, um, complete work that was missing, and that the fourth quarter with the no mark kind of system that's going to be used, would be would really allow those students, um, as long as they're participating in this distance learning and, and showing up for it that there's a good chance, I mean, a good increased chance for them to meet the requirements for that standard diploma, especially with the end of the class, and SOLs being waived. So my impression was that if students who were, um, struggling in some of their classes can get in some of that work that was, uh, missing from third quarter, and there they are extending the time, I think, through maybe late April to get some of that work in, um, and then with fourth quarter not being graded, um, that third quarter grade is what's going to count towards, um, passing that class, and as long as they show up, they do have a increased opportunity, probably more chance than they did before this distance learning kind of thing. So, um, anyway, I just thought it wanted to throw that out.

Dawn Schaefer  1:43:13

Thank you, Janelle. Whoever asked to see slide 17, are you okay, if we move away from 17? I had somebody who wanted to see the language interpreter slide again. There we go. All right. Beth B. You're up.


Hi. Um, looking forward to IEPs that come up later in the year, annual IEPs. If all of our IEP data and all of our assessment data are not accessible to us, as we're writing that IEP, do you have any recommendations on how we go about drafting appropriate goals without data?

Dawn Schaefer  1:44:01

I think you're gonna draft what you can, with the caveat that it'll be revisited in the fall via and addendum.

Unknown  1:44:11

Great, thank you.

Dawn Schaefer  1:44:12

You're welcome. Other questions?

Kurt  1:44:17

Hey, Dawn, I'm here. Sorry, I hit the microphone and then the whole thing crashed, so I called in.

Dawn Schaefer  1:44:21

Uh oh. Thank you. All right. You want to address homebound and home based, Kurt? We've had a lot of questions about that.

Kurt  1:44:30

Sure. I'm sure. So, um, yesterday the state, VDOE, submitted guidance with homebound and home or miss specifically homebound and there have been some discussions at the school board level about it as well, um, which kind of caused us to kind of like wait till things settle down before we released any of that information. Um, but basically what the plan right now is is that for all the students that received homebound and home based, um w are directing them to the distance learning plan at their schools. So what we're having the teachers, the homebound teachers do in support of the transition is this week they're reaching out to their students, and also the classroom teachers to kind of get a pulse on what the students have left for the third quarter and how they can facilitate the transition. So that's kind of step one. And, um, also, we have students on our digital, uh, learning curriculum edmentum. And we're thinking that those students will continue to access edmentum throughout the remainder of the year. So what we're thinking in terms of the renewals of homebound, the extensions and things like, that sending folks to doctors right at this time, doesn't seem to make any sense. So what we were thinking was that we would, we would not have new homebound cases, but that all the cases that we currently have, we would keep until they were fully integrated back into the distance learning plan and that we would create kind of like a pyramid of intervention plan, so that we can help support that transition, because we know like lots of our homebound students aren't at the same pace as their classes, and things like that. And we know that there are going to be students that are going to need a little bit more. And it's not the intention that we're just, you know, pushing everyone back into this new system. It's just that the whole notion of homebound or home based as it was before, is kind of breaking down because we can't physically see the student. Um, most of our students with the stamina issues and things like that, um, can be accommodated with the typical, um, or with the design of that we're trying to put together with a distance learning plan. So I sent out something to the school homebound coordinators yesterday. Uh, the principals got something last night and the state says send something yesterday all. So very much of it is hot off the presses. Um, I have gotten some questions myself about how are we ammending IEPs and things like that to reflect any changes in homebound and I kind of defer to that because I think those IEPS are just as wrong as any of the other IPS that have numbers of hours of students attending class or with receiving related services and things like that. So I know that that's kind of a lot and I wasn't completely prepared to jump in. But I wanted to share what I what I knew with you guys, um, since Polly grabbed me.

Dawn Schaefer  1:47:35

We really appreciate that. Kurt. Um, I don't know if you know anything. Um, I think Kim had, Kim Shod had said what about kids at TSRC? I don't know if you're privy to that information and if not, I can follow up with Kate or, um, Jen Knox.

Kurt  1:47:55

Yeah. TSRC. I would hesitate. I mean, I I know enough to be dangerous about that stuff, but I don't I would probably defer you to talk to Jen Knox or Kane.

Dawn Schaefer  1:48:07

Okay, thanks a lot. Kurt. We really appreciate you joining us on the fly.

Kurt  1:48:12

Sure. Sorry about the technical technical problems.

Dawn Schaefer  1:48:16

Thanks. Glad you could call in.

Kurt  1:48:18

Okay Thanks.

Dawn Schaefer  1:48:19

All right. Next up is Shelby Hill.

Shelby Hill  1:48:23

Hi, can you hear me?

Dawn Schaefer  1:48:25


Shelby Hill  1:48:26

Okay. Um, so my question was about, um, if we have, um, some teacher referrals that came in through a local screening, um, would it be, that we haven't started the process at all for, would it be better if we just didn't start that process process at all, and just waited until the fall to start them?

Dawn Schaefer  1:48:47


Shelby Hill  1:48:48

No? Okay.

Dawn Schaefer  1:48:50

You didn't go to local screening.

Dawn Schaefer  1:48:52

Okay. Um, and then just if we're going to proceed with testing, um, do that extension thing.

Dawn Schaefer  1:49:01

That's what I would recommend. I think you handle that referral and the information that you have the way that you would handle it, if you are in person in that, you know, the main question you're asking is, do we suspect that this student has a disability? And if so, what evaluative information do we need in order to make a decision? Um, and you asked for that testing, and then you would do the extension letter, um, letting the parents know that, you know, this is gonna be taken care of once we're able to do in-person evaluations again, and we'll move to eligibility following that.

Shelby Hill  1:49:41

Okay. Um, my other question was, do we need to do anything for IEPs that have already happened like doing because there's changes now, or can we just leave them as is?

Dawn Schaefer  1:49:56

I would leave those IEPs as is and follow those up with a temporary learning plan.

Shelby Hill  1:50:08

Okay, and then just do the whole reach out to the parent about the temporary learning plan and upload that letter, like you had said.

Dawn Schaefer  1:50:16

That's what my suggestion would be. Yes.

Shelby Hill  1:50:19


Dawn Schaefer  1:50:20

Thanks for clarifying that.

Shelby Hill  1:50:21

Yeah. Um, and then, just again, to clarify the process for those annual IEP s, just so I have it right, and that, um, we are starting those hours in August, and documenting on the PLOP what the quote unquote services will look like, until for this closure part, correct?

Dawn Schaefer  1:50:44

Yep. Yep. You got it.

Shelby Hill  1:50:46

Okay. Um, and then there's still no, like, hard and fast or like, a guide, there's still no, like, you have to meet with each one of your kids for X amount of time, like we're doing it, whatever we feel as we can, and whatever we feel is gonna do the best we can to meet their needs? Or is there-

Dawn Schaefer  1:51:05

We, um, we are not giving hard and fast rules about about the amount of time you're meeting with kids. No.

Shelby Hill  1:51:15


Dawn Schaefer  1:51:15

We think it's gonna have to be an individualized decision. Our thought is that that TLP, which we're going to send out to you all, um, probably via your PSLs, and we'll also be posting that, um, right now, I think it'll probably be on the DPE intranet site. That location might change, but we'll be sure to send that link out. Um, we're thinking that for the most part, case managers really should do that, but if the practice in your building is that department chairs do that, I'm not not upset about that. Um, I'm just thinking you guys have a lot to monitor and a lot to a lot of balls in the air in case managers can handle that piece. Um, did you have another question Shelby?

Shelby Hill  1:52:07

Um, yeah, just as I think someone had asked it earlier in the chat, too, was, as far as, like, I've never done an IEP where I I haven't put any hours for the remainder of the year. So like, that's where it's okay. The IEP will finalize, without any hours for the time.

Dawn Schaefer  1:52:26

Yep. Yep.

Shelby Hill  1:52:26

Okay. Um, okay. I think I think that was Thank you.

Dawn Schaefer  1:52:32

Sure. Um, Stephanie Kohn, you're up.

Stephanie Kohn  1:52:36

Hi. Thank you. Um, at the end of the elementary thing, Andrew made a great statement about what we could put on the fourth quarter progress report, something about no data was collected due to school closures for COVID-19. I wondered if Andrew could give us some guidance on that again, because it was a great statement.

Dawn Schaefer  1:52:57

If he remembers, I'm sure he can.

Andrew Guillen  1:53:00

So I'm pretty much spent. What I what I'd like for us to do is, it is clear that we need to go back and give you guys some, um, some just language that you can start with for a lot of the parts of these IEPs. Let me staff with Dawn, and we'll make sure that we get that to you. We want to be right on the money.

Stephanie Kohn  1:53:28

Thank you. Thank you. I appreciate it. I know it's been a long day for all of you, and we appreciate your guidance.

Dawn Schaefer  1:53:36

No problem. Thank you. Did you have another question Stephanie?

Stephanie Kohn  1:53:42

No, thank you. I appreciate it, though.

Dawn Schaefer  1:53:45

Okay. Um, Amina?

Unknown  1:53:49

Hi, I'll be really quick. I know, we're close to the end, I just wanted to say thank you for the information and all your hard work. So I have two questions. One of them the temporary learning plan, is that being communicated by le- like, is that being sent to parents only by letters or is there any other way that that's being communicated?

Dawn Schaefer  1:54:10

Our anticipation is you're gonna fill in the Word document template that we're providing to you, saving that as a PDF, and emailing that to families.

Unknown  1:54:22

Okay, I was just thinking about considerations for families who don't speak English or don't read in their own, um, their first language, how we might get that communication out, or if there would be any follow-up efforts, um, you know, for outreach with those families. So those are I don't know if there's an answer to that, but it was just a question I had.

Dawn Schaefer  1:54:42

I think you're probably going to need to employ the same kind of outreach that you would normally employ. Um, you know, whether you're on the phone with somebody who speaks their language or you have an interpreter helping you out, um, to make that call because remember the parent, um, ah, I won't say that. I think you can utilize your interpreters if you need to. We are looking at having the text of that TLP, um, translated into our top languages, um, but that our translation services office is overwhelmed right now with stuff. so, um, that might not happen quickly.

Unknown  1:55:28

Yeah, I'm sure they are. I just wanted to raise it here on this platform. And then the other question I had was related to, um, related services. It's my understanding that we're holding off, um, until we receive further guidance with providing those services, but would you at this point be able to offer any guidance, um, related to, adden- making changes to IEPs, or completing an addendum to an IEP to remove services if, um, they can't be provided in a virtual setting? Um, for example, if a student, you know is needing to work on social skills, or there's a behavioral concern that just really doesn't lend itself to the virtual setting, or for students who are too young to really engage with a provider, um, remotely? Should we just kind of standby on that?

Dawn Schaefer  1:56:17

It might be that students in those kinds of situations would end up with some consultative services, um, through that TLP.

Unknown  1:56:26


Dawn Schaefer  1:56:27

I wouldn't recommend opening addendums to remove services and whatnot, I would recommend working with those related service providers once they have an answer and direction, um, to figure out what services for that kid might look like, and it actually might be consultation with the parent.


Thank you. That's very helpful.

Dawn Schaefer  1:56:48

You're welcome. Did you have other questions?

Unknown  1:56:50

I did not.

Dawn Schaefer  1:56:51

Okay. Thank you. Um, Barbara Zemble, you're up.

Barbara Zemble  1:56:56

Here I am. Thank you, Dawn. Andrew, and your staff. This has been very clarifying. It's been real good. My question is technical. Will there be any difficulty with SEA-STARS if the dates of the services begin in August, but then ESY begins afterwards?

Andrew Guillen  1:57:15

No, no, because ESY is documented on a different page.

Barbara Zemble  1:57:20

Okay, great. Great, thanks.

Dawn Schaefer  1:57:23

Thank you.

Andrew Guillen  1:57:24

Sorry about that. Yeah.

Dawn Schaefer  1:57:25

Did you have other questions, Barb?

Barbara Zemble  1:57:27

Nope, not now.

Dawn Schaefer  1:57:28

Thank you. Awesome. Um, Carrie?

Carrie Pecoraro  1:57:34

You? Hi, um, I don't know if we really talked about this. Specifically looking at instruction for our students, what do you have in specialized instruction books, like, for our students, virtually versus our gen ed students beyond accommodations?

Dawn Schaefer  1:57:56

That's a really great question. Um-

Carrie Pecoraro  1:57:59

Parents are going to have that question.

Dawn Schaefer  1:58:03

Yeah. And, um, Ellie want to, to sort of address that, I think mostly, that's going to be addressed through the trainings that were occurring and being recorded this afternoon, but, um, Ellie, did you want to briefly hit on that?

Ellie Stack  1:58:18

Nope. You are totally right. Gone. And this is a this is a question that we are expecting people to to have and so this is actually what our trainings, the required trainings are focused on. Today with the adaptive curriculum, elementary training, and tomorrow morning, is the adaptive curriculum, secondary training, and those will both be recorded and posted if if somebody can't attend, and then the general curriculum for your teachers who are working with students who are accessing the digital, that training is actually recorded, and the list is available on or the link available on the website, um, that, uh, has the training information for your teachers, uh, to to look. And if they still have questions, which, you know, we know some teachers have already taken the ball and they're running with this and others still might have questions. We do have office hours this week, um, that we'd love to talk about this and brainstorm together. Or, of course, as needed, our team is there to support you and you could just contact your, uh, normal resource person. But it's really going to vary depending on, uh, teachers and students. And, um, we're just, you know, willing able to show some options. Uh, but knowing that we're going to have to just do the best that we can do, um, and find a way to make it work and knowing it's not going to be the same as if we were in the school buildings.

Dawn Schaefer  1:59:50

Absolutely. Um, and if you look at those, if you look at those office hours that are on, um, that are on that OSEI intranet page, uh, I'll be doing office hours as well, uh, tomorrow and Friday, and then on, um, April 13. Um, I'm still working out what those times might be. Um, right now it's looking at 2 to 3 pm on each one of those days. Um, but we'll get that information posted for you guys, um, and probably send it out via PS:s as well. We know you're probably going to have just as many questions, um, for the rest of this weekend, and then on work day too.

Dawn Schaefer  2:00:40

So, um, that looks like it's the last of our questions for today. Um, we so appreciate you all joining us. We appreciate the conversation. We appreciate all the questions that you've asked. Um, you know, ah, you all have thought of some things that perhaps we hadn't thought of, or we hadn't quite ironed out all the wrinkles for yet, so we really do appreciate it. Um, this session will be posted once the recording is complete. Um, hopefully, by first thing tomorrow if you want to share that with the sped teachers on your team. Um, we so appreciate all you do, um, and we you know, we understand this is an uncertain difficult time. Um, and we're all in this together. And, ah, we hope you have a great rest of your day.

Andrew Guillen  2:01:46

Okay, thank you, everyone. Take care. This concludes the session.

Meeting Video Chat

Ellie - we got this - Stack #2 00:05


Kim Shott 00:51

Is this powerpoint posted so we can take notes as we go?

Ellie - we got this - Stack #2 03:42


Dawn Schaefer 06:13

? ?

Amanda Lombardi- Chantilly CSS #2 06:53

love it!

Laura Moore 06:55

Friends humor - love it!

Lourrie #3 06:59


Jeanette Schutte 06:59


SMatheny-WSHS 08:29

Will principals get this letter before it goes to parents?

Adie Kolaskar 08:45

If we need to do BB Collab for a meeting, for an IEP meeting (in that red triangle), do you have adice for how to have Sea-Stars open as well since BB Collab doesn't work well when VPN is connected?

Shakita - FC, Cat. A 09:28

If parents do not have an email address, how are CMs to get the letters to the home?

SMatheny-WSHS 09:37

Thanks Dawn!

Shelby Hill #3 10:41

VPN will work. Just have ONE team member on VPN while on BB Collab

Mandy Burke 11:28

are we using blackboard collaborate or google meets? it was my understanding that we can not control the access to collaborate as it is one session that we use over and over. So is it google meets for meetings either phone or video?

Katelyn Charbonneau #3 13:12

Will we be getting more than one number so we can have multiple meetings going on? In order to have all of these meetings we will need to have more than one meetings at a time

Heather Hendershot #3 13:56

If you're in BBCU can you share your screen showing Sea-Stars, so they parent can follow along, when having those "special" meetings?

Dawn Schaefer 13:57

Katelyn: you'll have a teleconference line and a BBCU line available to you. We'll address it later, but you'll need to develop a way to "check out" the lines.

Dawn Schaefer 14:09

Yes, Heather. That's the idea.

Dawn Schaefer 14:23

We'll get into the details in a moment.

Heather Hendershot #3 14:40

Thanks, Dawn.

Shakita - FC, Cat. A 15:15

Thanks Andrew!

Daryl 15:27

Graduation requirement IEP addendums?

Amanda Lombardi- Chantilly CSS #2 16:27

We have 4 programs in our building and 1 phone line, we will need additional lines

Katherine ThompsonAllen 16:39

Are these TLPs in place of annual IEPs?

Stephanie Kohn #2 16:44

Home bound students: We are getting emails stating that home bound students are being returned to their base school. Does that require an IEP addendum?

Shakita - FC, Cat. A 17:38

This is not the first time that we (FC) has had to use teleconferencing. Are we able to use an additional teleconference line, so that we can have more than one meeting at a time?

Angie Myers #2 17:40

I echo the concern regarding only having one teleconference line for large high schools. We have limited days of the week we can hold meetings and have lost an entire month of meetings - so we have many meetings to complete

Mandy Burke 19:13

If we use BBC then anyone who has had our link can access at anytime, not secure. creating new sessions is time consuming and to my knowledge only our STBS can create them.

Andrew Guillen 20:38

Mandy you have two links: the moderator link (keep to yourself) the participant link. You can have your SBTS to set up timed collaborate sessions.

Heather 20:40

how will we acquire interpreters to assist us with running these meetings? It was challenging before this all happened- do you know if the county has acquired additional support?

Nancy Jackonis 20:47

Do secondary schools have two conference lines?

Chuck Lord 21:00

Any chance the Secondary schools will have access to 2 lines?

Andrew Guillen 21:11

Secondary schools 1 MS and 1 for HS

Chuck Lord 21:16


Nancy Jackonis 21:23


Andrew Guillen 22:05

heather we will address interpreters shortly

Heather 22:13


Daryl 22:58

But at least 1 person must be VPN correct?

Shakita - FC, Cat. A 23:16

Clarifying follow up question: This is not the first time that we (FC) has had to use teleconferencing. Are we able to use an additional teleconference line -- not provided by you all--, so that we can have more than one meeting at a time?

Dawn Schaefer 23:45

If you have access to another TC line (NOT ZOOM) feel free to use it.

Shakita - FC, Cat. A 23:59

Thank you Dawn!!!!!

Jonathan Moore (Lynbrook ES) 24:33

Will this PowerPoint be available for review later?

Andrew Guillen 24:48

yes we will work on finalizing the PP to send out.

Jonathan Moore (Lynbrook ES) 24:57


Jeanette Schutte 24:58

Woo HOO!

Katelyn Charbonneau #3 25:54

What if parents don't have internet/email?

Jonathan Moore (Lynbrook ES) 26:02

If we are sending a draft how are we printing? Then sending a draft?

Jonathan Moore (Lynbrook ES) 26:24


Andrew Guillen 26:32

send via email

Jonathan Moore (Lynbrook ES) 26:45


Andrew Guillen 27:18

right now we have no other option but to send via email. for families with no email, we'll talk about verbal consent in a bit

Daryl 27:58

who decides what forum the meeting will take place in?

Andrew Guillen 28:08

the school team does

Daryl 28:24


Jonathan Moore (Lynbrook ES) 28:36


Katie Vandawalker 28:53

For HS, could we send the draft to the student's email address for the parent to access if the parent doesn't have an email?

Andrew Guillen 29:32

good idea

wanda holloway #3 29:52

But as shared, we should be using the telephone conference forum as much as possible.

Andrew Guillen 30:00

that is correct wanda

wanda holloway #3 30:37

Thanks Andrew...... ?

Lauren Keenen #2 32:08

BBCU meeting should strictly be for more unique meetings/situations? Pretty standard annual IEP should be done through teleconference, correct?

Laura Moore 32:21

Get suggestion regarding turning off the chat function!

Andrew Guillen 32:23

Yes Lauren that is correct.

Guest 33:26

What is the difference between BBCU and teleconferencing, then? What teleconferencing should we be using for the more standard meetings?

Mark 33:37

bless you Dawn

Carrie Pecoraro 34:05

What if you have a parent that requires a Sign Language Interpreter? Is there a way to do CC

MIssy Witt 34:10

Teleconferencing is over the online visual. BBCU is what we are doing now and Seastars will be on the screen

Andrew Guillen 34:17

The teleconference is regular phone line that people can call in. BBCU is this platform. Try to stick to teleconf

Mark Forgash #2 34:20

So, if we use a teleconference for the IEP, the participants will only be talking while the moderator goes through the IEP in Sea Stars?

Jonathan Moore (Lynbrook ES) 34:38

@Carrie BBCU has a way to let someone be a captioner

Mark Forgash #2 34:52

Participants will just use the draft sent to follow along?

Carrie Pecoraro 34:59

Thank you Jonathan

Andrew Guillen 35:02

Carrie, when he have meetings that need to be closed caption, please contact due process. we will need advance notice 3 days

Lauren Keenen #2 35:50

How should we conduct an MDR? Through BBCU? Teleconference?

Andrew Guillen 36:36

yes that is correct Mark Forgash

Daryl 36:38

BIP Reviews on hold for now?

Mark Forgash #2 36:41


Kim Shott 37:09

to make parent phone calls are we able to contact through Google voice?

Andrew Guillen 37:13

Yes Daryl they are on hold.

Carrie Pecoraro 37:15

Darul And to that...Scheduled FBA meetings?

Greg Hall 37:27

We had a placement IEP for a hearing office student prior tot he closure. Do we keep the student or reschedule the placement IEP?

Andrew Guillen 37:30

Kim we'll get to some options in a bit

Daryl 37:32

Thanks Andrew

Woo 38:13

are we allowed to created a pdf with signature field and send that as well?

Carrie Pecoraro 38:29

Are we going to get some kind of script or wording to send out for emailed consent?

Susan Kannengiesser #2 38:39

Greg: Yes, the student would stay with you for distance learning. There are no changes in placement for the remainder of the year. The IEP placement would begin for the next school year.

Charlotte Petty 38:54

Silly question, but where is SEASTARS do we upload a copy of the mailed consent?

Charlotte Petty 39:03


Greg Hall 39:22

Thank you Susan!

Colleen Wheaton 39:30

Dawn, sending you a virtual hot tea with honey. ?

Daryl 39:39

Historical Docs Char

Carrie Pecoraro 39:41

Thank you

Mandy Burke 39:43

you might get to this but how are we sending progress reports for 3rd qtr?

Charlotte Petty 39:45


Dawn Schaefer 39:46

Allergies. ?

Mandy Burke 39:55

thank you

Mary Bermingham 40:04

How do we document the coverpage of the IEP?

Jeanette Schutte 40:14

go back please

Natalie Valenzuela 40:30

Do you think annual/initial IEP's should designate and note accommodations for the rest of this year, while distance learning, that may be different than when back in school next year?

Andrew Guillen 40:59

please ask that question again during out Q/A session.

Natalie Valenzuela 41:07

Will do. Thanks, Andrew!

Andrew Guillen 41:11

Thanks ?

Heather Hendershot #3 41:39

If we've opened a reevaluation and proposed testing, but will not be able to conduct it due to the closure, would you suggest going through the eligibility process and then coming back and doing the testing when we resume school?

Kim Shott 41:58

are we going to cover LSC requests that occured prior to the closure?

Carrie Pecoraro 42:14

@ Heather Or should we propose to extend the time line

Kira Bertheussen 42:55

How are service hours being calculated? If its drastically different, do we have to do addendums for those students that have already had their annuals?

Andrew Guillen 43:26

Kira, please ask this again at Q/A

Bri Kodadek 43:31

What about for seniors whom testing was proposed for?

Jeanette Schutte 43:36

Do you know if there will summer clinic this year?

Kira Bertheussen 43:56

ok ?

Andrea Jones 44:20

Will Seastars support open back up in a modified way? Just planning ahead in case there is an issue.

Laurie Aleman 44:22

What if the student is senior/age 22 and in the middle of an eligibility?

Heather 44:42

great question Laurie! my question as well!

Carrie Pecoraro 44:51

Prior to the Closure, we were supposed to propose ESY for those who need it? Do we have an guidance for ESY?

Andrew Guillen 45:04

Contact me Andrea jones afterwords we can chat about SS not sure about your question

Carrie Pecoraro 45:05

Are we proposing it to all of our Cat B students if there is ESY

Andrea Jones 45:21

Will do, Andrew!

Ellie - we got this - Stack #2 45:23


Amanda 45:25

@ Andrea - SEA-STARS support is available daily by email

Andrew Guillen 45:37

My suggestion is to hold these wonderful questions till Q/A ?

Kylie Eldredge 45:39

If testing has not been completed for a re-eval 12th grader who is scheduled to graduate with a standard diploma in June, what is best practice?

Andrea Jones 45:48

Thanks Amanda!

Marty Dubin #2 45:51

do all participants need to sign in?

Kathy Murphy #3 46:01

Go SEA-STARS Team!! ?

Andrew Guillen 46:32

Marty, we just add the to the cover page if they are participating , but no need to get signatures.

Marty Dubin #2 46:49


Laurie 48:10

thank you

Jeanette Schutte 48:10

Thank you!

Natalie Valenzuela 48:15

Yes, thank you!

Tammy Stickler 48:18

Thank you for all your hard work!

Emily Kaltenmark 48:20

We appreciate ALL of your hard work!

James 48:21

Dawn and all of you - thank you so much!

Jonathan Moore (Lynbrook ES) 48:22

You all are Rock stars!

Kim Dunbar 48:23

I am a little embarrassed to ask this question. What about gen ed participation for the special ed meetings?

Christine Howell 48:31

Thank you all!

Kendria 48:35

Yes, thanks for all your support

Tammy Owens 48:36

thank you for all your hard work. You are amazing

Andrew Guillen 48:50

Yes kim gen ed teachers are required, so we will need to include them in schedule and telelconf

Colleen Wheaton 48:51


Deb D 49:01


Greg Hall 49:38

Any guide on how IAs maybe used to support teachers/students/staff with distant learning?

Kim Dunbar 49:40

Thank you for all your hard work DPE and Andrew and Dawn !!

Andrew Guillen 50:07

Greg I know that DSS leadership is working on guidance for schools.

Marty Dubin #2 50:22

It's not easy to pull this together in such a short time....thank you and thank you for recognizing the impact this has on everyone!

Greg Hall 50:23

Thanks Andrew!

James 50:44

Andrew - re IA's. Do you know when that might be available?

Chuck Lord 50:47

At the HS level direct / Virtual instruction is to take place on Tue / Thur. Is there central office guidance to say that IEP mtgs are Monday, Elig / LSC is Wed, and 504 is Friday? Seems to me that direction from above would solve issues at the building level.

Shakita - FC, Cat. A 50:51

Question for Q&A (not sure if someone is noting them to address at the end or if we are only doing the hand raise options) - Is it up to the base school to decide how to use instructional assistants within the sped dept, OR, do you all have a directive that you want us to use?

Crafty 51:05

Since timelines are still in effect, is what I thought I heard, do I need to have my April 8th IEP meeting this week?

Amanda 51:38

SEA-STARS phone # is NOT monitored at this time. Working on getting it forwarded but EMAIL is best!

Andrew Guillen 51:45

Let me get you answer James, I know leadership is meeting today.

Heather Hendershot #3 52:05

If we've opened a reevaluation and proposed testing, but will not be able to conduct it due to the closure, would you suggest going through the eligibility process and then coming back and doing the testing when we resume school?

Kira Bertheussen 52:08

How are service hours being calculated? If its drastically different, do we have to do addendums for those students that have already had their annuals?

James 52:10


Christine Howell 52:55

Will we still need to do 3rd and 4th quarter progress reports?

LaShon Harrison 53:17

Is there a plan on resuming testing? Will middle schools be responsible for completing testing those students moving on to the high school?

Mark 53:51

Will we need to change service documentation for the rest of the year?

Andrew Guillen 53:56

Christine, progress reports required for 3rd qtr, but not for 4th as there are no grades. I will explain more

Leah Lemon #2 54:16

How should we document BIP reviews? Will this be on the guidance document?

Christine Howell 54:22

Thanks, Andrew!

Kim Dunbar 54:26

Do we need to consider SPLAVC-A's for seniors still?

Andrew Guillen 54:34

yes Kim Dunbar

Mandy Burke 54:55

if you headsets then it will limit what your family can hear.

Andrew Guillen 55:06

good idea mandy

Carrie Pecoraro 55:08

Prior to the Closure, we were working on proposing ESY for those who need it, especially for our CAT B students. Are we still proposing ESY? And to that, should we propose ESY for Cat B students to help them transition back to school

Kim Farmar 55:19

Ok, thanks!

Jeanette Schutte 55:32

When we do hold IEP meetings again, should we just leave off the SOLs for their current courses for this Spring, even though we don't have a definite waiver yet?

Kim Shott 55:53

Are placement meetings (think CSS or Public Day) on hold for now or should we still hold those meetings?

Heather 56:13

Kim- to piggyback off that I have the same question regarding Davis and Pulley placements

Drew Murphy 56:28

We've had our SBTS create a BBCU room for us to conduct meetings, basically from today until June so that we don't have to involve her in scheduling every meeting. Will that work?

Charlotte Petty 56:31

Could we take a few moments to answer the above typed questions? Thanks!

Carrie Pecoraro 56:32

Heather-I have the same question

Andrew Guillen 56:47

yes Drew Murphy

Drew Murphy 57:06

thanks Andrew

Andrew Guillen 57:08

trying to, but if not we will include in an Q/A

Shakita - FC, Cat. A 57:21

Thank you Ellie!!!

Amanda Freese 57:30

Will the guidance on paraprofessionals specify duties for IAs vs. PHTAs?

Christine Howell 58:23

Check with your schools about providing IAs with laptops. We were able to distribute one to each of our IAs

Stephanie Herman 58:24

Social Workers are aware that they may be part of meetings.

Shira B #3 58:39

For Hearing and Vision reach out to them individually

Carrie Pecoraro 58:43

Do we know how the related services providers are working to support our students? If they are receiving less hours, should we hold an addendum to document this change in support

Stephanie Kohn #2 58:45

Our service providers said they are waiting to hear from us to move forward with reeval and eligibility meetings.

Daryl 58:49

At this point, can we just assume that related service provider hours will not change?

Cynthia 59:05

Psychologists are also available for meetings.

Janelle Ellis 59:26

Also reach out to your ETRs individually for transition service questions, participation in IEP, etc.

Shira B #3 59:43

We have several students on caseload and each hearing and vision teacher will craft their schedule around IEP participation and student learning

Ellie - we got this - Stack #2 59:51

@Amanda - I don't believe so. The tasks are varied and you all can determine the best way to use all of your paraprofessionals. Job specs for IAs and PHTA are similar and both can help in similar ways.

Shakita - FC, Cat. A 01:00:28

FC has been instructed that we can only use non-instruction days and Monday's are for CTs......

Shelby Hill #3 01:00:52

Are you going to talk more about the Temporary learning plan?

Katelyn Charbonneau #3 01:00:55

Unpopular question-are we allowed to hold meetings over spring break to catch up? ?

Tammy Stickler 01:00:55

Any guidance on transition plan preparation? Are we ok to use google hangout for these discussions?

Jeanette Schutte 01:02:15

Do we craft the annual IEPs as if we are in school? Services, Placement, SOL testing, etc...

Kim Shott 01:02:35

Are we still proposing hours as if were still in school?

Andrew Guillen 01:02:45

Katelyn, technically its spring break is held over spring break, so yet. However, flexibility is key. May need to collaborate to find a mutually agreed date and time.

Colleen Wheaton 01:02:48

I have the same question as Jeanette above ^^

Lauren Keenen #2 01:03:06

How do we proceed with placement IEPs for consideration of less restrictive (I am at the public day)?

Heather Hendershot #3 01:03:18

Are we expected to hold transition IEPs for students moving from elementary to middle and middle to elementary?

Heather Hendershot #3 01:03:25

middle to high ?

Charlotte Petty 01:03:30

IF it (ESY) occurs, what is the procedure for the red folders, sending materials, etc...

Chris Berg-Hoggatt #2 01:03:53

For a student who has an annual IEP due in May, would we do a TLP plan now and then the annual in May? by what date do all the TLPs need to be completed.

Ellie - we got this - Stack #2 01:04:05

@Charlotte We will develop a process for this once we know more.

Carrie Pecoraro 01:04:19

ESY What is the date to hold those Addendum meetings/proposal of ESY?

Charlotte Petty 01:04:19

Thanks, Ms. Stack!

Ellie - we got this - Stack #2 01:04:30


Kim Shott 01:04:33

Won't that impact staffing if we are not proposing for this year?

Natalie Valenzuela 01:04:34

And so what do we do with the SOL tab?

Shelby Hill #3 01:04:37

what about staffing? Will that effect it?

Seago, Cary #3 01:04:45

Will that impact our staffing?

Katelyn Charbonneau #3 01:05:11

If services start next year, does that mean goals data collection as well?

Andrew Guillen 01:05:13

Chris, yes TLP now and IEP in May as they they are two different discussions.

Daryl 01:05:18

Doesn't Sea Stars force you to put something on the service hours page for the entire IEP period?

Shelley Miller #2 01:05:19

Will the conference phone lines be able to handle/include parents living in different households? Same idea if a parent requests a phone-in advocate.

Shelby Hill #3 01:05:20

so basically the ieps we write are going to for next year?

Angelina #2 01:05:25

As far as as services, Can you please delineate services and PLOp for addendums as well, please?

Natalie Valenzuela 01:05:27

Progress reports?

Sally Stickels 01:05:42

Do we try to complete the transition tab via email with the student?

Jeanette Schutte 01:05:52

How are we handling progress reports for these 2 quarters?

Chris Berg-Hoggatt #2 01:06:05

By what date do we need to have all the TLPs completed?

Amanda 01:06:15

@ Daryl - no SEA-STARS will not force you put something for the current time period. You can make it start in Aug without a problem.

Shelby Hill #3 01:06:30

compete 3rd quarter PR. but NO 4th quarter

Lisa T. 01:06:40

Follow up question about service hours: for an initial don't we need to put some kind of service on the IEP for this year even if it is simply an hour?

Amanda Lockhart 01:06:44

For students going through the initial eligibility process following local screening and the proposed was unable to be completed, do we continue to eligibility with the available information (or lack thereof), and complete the full process and come back later if the information is still needed for a determination, or would we contact those families to extend the timeline using the process mentioned prior and resume the process when in-person school resumes?

Terry Aliabadi 01:06:50

What is your guidance regarding evaluation cases that were in progress, but not finished. How should they be handled with regards to eligibility determination?

Daryl 01:06:55

thanks Amanda!!

Kim Dunbar 01:07:02

When do I tell my teachers to have 3rd quarter progress reports completed? By end of school year? Thank you ?

Crafty 01:07:38

Good question, Dunbar!

Amanda Lockhart 01:08:03

@Terry ?

Kim Dunbar 01:08:08

Thanks, ha ha!!

Kylie Eldredge 01:08:36

yes thank you

Barbara Zemble #2 01:08:48

For all annual IEPs that are completed from this day forward, would we indicate 1's for new goals/objectives that will be examined for the 3rd quarter Progress Report?

Ellie - we got this - Stack #2 01:09:14

If you have students for whom you want to consider the SPLAVC-A with the information the team currently has available - you can move forward with that conversation

Jeanette Schutte 01:09:27

What about our seniors who were scheduled for retakes, will they still be eligible for graduation?

Jeanette Schutte 01:10:15

SOL retakes

Andrew Guillen 01:10:26

Barb, use the data you have and will collect for the rest of 3rd qtr (it has been extended). Since no marks will happen for any students during 4th qtr, you can give them a 1. We will work to provide you with language to place in the comment section for 4th qtr.

Ellie - we got this - Stack #2 01:10:28

@Jeanette I will check into this

Daryl 01:10:29

Is checking the 30 day box on the IEP the last resort?

Andrew Guillen 01:10:45

Let's hold off on that Daryl

Heather 01:11:07


Daryl 01:11:10


Laurie Aleman 01:11:28

What if our data binders are at school? How do we complete progress reports?

Chuck Lord 01:11:38

Is the COVID-19 letter already developed, and if so when are we to receive it?

Barbara Zemble #2 01:11:45

Do we have a date for 3rd quarter Progress Reports?

Amanda Lombardi- Chantilly CSS #2 01:11:54

Can we consider change of placement for the fall though? 8th grade transition?

Janelle Ellis 01:12:06

thank you

Bri Kodadek 01:12:07

Good question Amanda

Jeanette Schutte 01:12:20

Thanks, Ellie!

Ellie - we got this - Stack #2 01:12:30

In a March 30 press release, VDOE announced that the U.S. Department of Education has given Virginia permission to cancel federally mandated Standards of Learning tests during the 2019-2020 school year. I will check into retakes and other similar questions.

Natalie Valenzuela 01:12:37

KTEA form B?

Chris Berg-Hoggatt #2 01:13:27

How are we handling transition IEPs for 8th grade students in special programs like CSS or DHH?

Shelley Miller #2 01:13:49

Can we use VAAP COE from this year, next year?

Shelby Hill #3 01:14:34

Can we meet with the data that we have? Say we have half the KTEA done and full psych done? Could we proceed to eligibility ?

Nancy Jackonis 01:14:41

What should teachers do about data for progress reports, since many don't have access to what was collected for the quarter (data binders still at school)?

Seago, Cary #3 01:14:52

April 24th?

Jeanette Schutte 01:15:18

Can the progress reports be sent via email?

Jonathan Moore (Lynbrook ES) 01:15:22

If a 202 form was sent out before closure, does anything need to be done to it or can it just be left and another letter be created when a meeting is scheduled

Laurie Aleman 01:15:23

What if our data binders are at school? how do we complete the progress notes?

Kirk Dela Cruz 01:15:26

I have 4/24 down as the last day students are allowed to turn in work for 3rd quarter

Andrew Guillen 01:15:27

yes Jeanette

Greg Hall 01:15:29

What Nancy said

Andrew Guillen 01:17:11

Laurie, you will need to relay on data that you can recall. It will be mostly anecdotal. If you access to any online data like eCART, or classroom assessments that you have save digitally can be used.

Janelle Ellis 01:17:13

ETRs have Middle School packets for casemangers to give to parents at the first transition IEP meeting. Reach out to the ETR from the feeder school to get this packet. They can also answer questions regarding the TP as can central office CTS staff. Clem Castellano and Sarah Blake.

LaShon Harrison 01:17:18

How do we handle distributing progress reports to parents? How do we distribute to parents without email access?

Andrew Guillen 01:17:51


Laurie Aleman 01:18:01

Thank you

Andrew Guillen 01:18:49

LaShon, we might need to call the parent to inform them of their student's progress verbally. Right now there is not US mail sent from schools

LaShon Harrison 01:19:17

Thank you

Chuck Lord 01:19:21

For HS, given that students have one to one device would it be okay to send PDF progress reports to the students fcpsschools acct. when the parents don't have an email account?

Andrew Guillen 01:19:30

LaShon, we might need to track those students and send the documents when we are back at school

Shelby Hill #3 01:19:39

So are you providing us the TLP letter and then we are modifying it for our kiddos?

Andrew Guillen 01:19:46

Yes Chuck that is always an option

Jonathan Moore (Lynbrook ES) 01:20:03

My brain is freezing rn TLP?

Shelby Hill #3 01:20:14

temporary learning plan

Daniel Clements 01:20:17

temporary learning plan

Angie Myers #2 01:20:20

I may have missed this comment, but is there an expected date for the guidance documents? If we have specific verbiage and protocol to be using, I want to make sure I'm not scheduling meetings for April 14th if documents aren't expected until later.

Andrew Guillen 01:20:20

Yes Shelby we will provide you with template that can be customized

Jonathan Moore (Lynbrook ES) 01:20:26

lol thanks Shelby

Shelby Hill #3 01:20:26


Shelby Hill #3 01:20:35

When do you think will that come out?

Andrew Guillen 01:20:46

As soon as its approved.

Shelby Hill #3 01:20:53


Daryl 01:21:14

Andrew, at some point would it be possible for us to have access to a sample/example IEP with all of these COVID-19 changes on it so that we have a visual to go by?

Andrew Guillen 01:21:33

Yes, Daryl

Drew Murphy 01:21:37

Great idea, Daryl.

Shelby Hill #3 01:21:40

Great idea

Jonathan Moore (Lynbrook ES) 01:21:54

Great idea Daryl!

Shakita - FC, Cat. A 01:21:55

@Andrew - regarding LaShon's question with families with no email address and the PReports: can we send the PR to the student's account, like the drafted IEP (discussed earlier), and of course let the parent know via phone.

Daryl 01:22:03

? ?

Ellie - we got this - Stack #2 01:22:03


Andrew Guillen 01:22:04


Andrew Guillen 01:22:10

yes Shakita

Crafty 01:22:11

Did we receive the letter referenced at the bottom of the pyramid? Or is that coming soon...

Shakita - FC, Cat. A 01:22:16


Christine Stotts #2 01:22:38

Hi Missy !

Andrew Guillen 01:22:49

Crafty, our leadership is still developing it. Once its ready we will send to you.

Crafty 01:22:57


Ellie - we got this - Stack #2 01:23:22


Tammy Stickler 01:24:26

How much does the TLP template need to be modified - thinking about teacher time...

Stephanie Kohn #2 01:24:40

Will there be TLP letters available in other languages?

Andrew Guillen 01:24:42

Tammy, that will depend on the student.

Dawn Schaefer 01:24:58

Fill in personal info and then fill in G/O, accomm, and services. And sign it.

Jonathan Moore (Lynbrook ES) 01:24:59

@Andrew I may have missed ur answer, but if an Initial/reeval notice was drafted and sent before closure, is a new one created in its place and does anything need to be done to the old one?

Carrie Pecoraro 01:25:07

Is there a timeline for when all the TLP need to be out

Tammy Stickler 01:25:20

Thanks Dawn!

Andrew Guillen 01:25:27

Stephanie we will work to translate, but there will be parts that might be in English. Think about our translated forms now.

Dawn Schaefer 01:25:29

We can try to get it translated but that will delay its release.

Dawn Schaefer 01:26:02

TImeline for TLP: not sure we have a solid due date at this time. I'm hoping to be able to turn it around to you all asap.

Stephanie Kohn #2 01:26:49

Home-bound: teachers have received emails from home-bound teachers stating that students are being "returned" to base schools. Will that require an IEP addendum?

Andrew Guillen 01:27:14

Jonathan Moore, since that meeting has most likely come and gone, you will need to work with the family to find a mutually agreed upon meeting date and time.


01:27:30 thanks much! i'll stay tuned for updates ?

Colleen Wheaton 01:27:37

Adding to Ellie's question, does this include LangLive!

Ellie - we got this - Stack #2 01:27:47


Kim Shott 01:28:11

We have a student that signed in full consent to a CSS placement the day we ended, do we change placement?

Jonathan Moore (Lynbrook ES) 01:28:17


Ellie - we got this - Stack #2 01:28:25

@colleen, students who were using it during the year, can use it while at home. A letter will be posted that can be shared with parents to remind them of their access.

Colleen Wheaton 01:29:05

thank you Ellie! Â

Seago, Cary #3 01:29:28

Dawn - Should we add that information in the PWN? - whatever the circumstance may be

JProctor 01:29:49

Home-bound: teachers have received emails from home-bound teachers stating that students are being "returned" to base schools. Will that require an IEP addendum?

Ellie - we got this - Stack #2 01:30:01


Deb D 01:30:24

YES! That makes sense! Thanks Andrew!

Marty Dubin #3 01:30:45

Can someone remind me as to what the unique situations we'd use BB collaborate are.....

Teri Moffit SCMS 01:30:48

For triennial reevaluations that have not yet been opened but would typically require updated testing, should we wait to open these reevals until school has opened again (next year) or open now and propose testing and the extension?

Kirk Dela Cruz 01:31:31

Marty -- meetings to address unique situations/specific needs; continued meetings from prior to break

Marty Dubin #3 01:31:53


Kelly O'Connell 01:32:00

I can help out ?

Tammy Stickler 01:32:21

Do parents have to agree with the TLP or are we just notifying parents?

Dawn Schaefer 01:32:35

That is one thing we're working on Tammy.

Tammy Stickler 01:32:55

Thanks Dawn - you are a great multi-tasker!

Daryl 01:33:39

Do we need to do anything with student annual IEPs that have already occurred this school year? Do we have to do an addendum to change the service hours since we are changing them for upcoming meetings? Sorry if you already answered this...

Ellie - we got this - Stack #2 01:33:50

I do not

Tammy Stickler 01:33:53

We got an email from Kurt Mills yesterday

Ellie - we got this - Stack #2 01:34:02

@ Tammy - what did he say?

Andrew Guillen 01:34:04

No Daryl, just send the TLP

Lourrie #3 01:34:04


Bri Kodadek 01:34:07

@ Tammy What did Kurt say?

Tammy Stickler 01:34:10

It went to APs

Bri Kodadek 01:34:13

And me please!

Daryl 01:34:24

Super..thanks Andrew!

Tammy Stickler 01:34:37

We have been receiving an increasing volume of questions about how students who have been homebound or homebased will be supported at this time. Currently, we are awaiting information on homebound instruction to be posted to the Principal FAQ’s before we can release more specific details. Although this may change in the future, at this time we will not be asking for homebound extensions and will support all students who were homebound or homebased prior to the school closure on March 13th. Like all FCPS teachers, homebound teachers will NOT be physically meeting with any homebound/based students. These students should be accessing the work available on blackboard 24/7 with no new instruction being provided until the distance learning plan commences on Tuesday, April 14th. This week, homebound teachers will be reaching out to their students and classroom teachers to facilitate a transition to the distance learning plan. At this time, classroom teachers (teachers of record) should ensure that homebound or homebased students who are enrolled in their classes are included in the contacts that they are making. The broad current plan is that homebound and homebased students will be accessing the distance learning plan with their classroom teacher (the teacher of record). Homebound teachers will have a role in assisting the transition and providing additional supports for homebound or homebased students. High School students that had been previously accessing courses through Edmentum, will continue with these courses unchanged. Please let us know if you have any questions. Thanks, Kurt

Katie S #2 01:34:39

Is the guidance back to base schoool or last school

Katie S #2 01:34:43

of record

Woo 01:35:17

totally fine; just putting it on your radar; thanks so much for all you guys are doing

Ellie - we got this - Stack #2 01:36:09


courtney ben 01:36:31

For seniors who were going to attempt a retake for the SOL, do we wait for guidance from the state in regards to the SOL or proceed with the SPLAVC-A

Ellie - we got this - Stack #2 01:37:14

@courtney - I am following up on your question and will send out to dept. chairs and special ed. admin

Katie S #2 01:37:36

Ellie - can you also send to MAS?

Marty Dubin #3 01:37:47

Do timeline extensions also apply to IEP's caught up in this period that were impacted by the closure?

Greg Hall 01:37:50

Did the principal get the email for teleconference line? Can it be resent to the principal or to the sped administrator/DSS?

courtney ben 01:37:53

Thank you ?

Ellie - we got this - Stack #2 01:38:20

Yes, Katie. If I do not, please don't hesitate to reach out to me.

Teri 01:38:26

Where will the training link be posted?

Andrew Guillen 01:38:30

Marty, yes

Marty Dubin #3 01:38:53

Thanks Andrew

Andrew Guillen 01:38:57

Greg Hall, what school or program are you at?

Teri 01:39:09

Andrew - I sent it to Greg.

Greg Hall 01:39:19

My PSL just sent it. Thanks!

Andrew Guillen 01:39:21

ok great thanks

Dawn Schaefer 01:40:09

We're going to pause the queued questions and let Kurt weigh in on homebound/homebased students. Thanks for joining us, Kurt!

Dawn Schaefer 01:40:40

we can't hear you.

Natalie Valenzuela 01:40:48

Hi Kurt! We can't hear you.

Kristen Boehme #2 01:40:59

Can I see slide 17 again?

Kristen Boehme #2 01:41:16

Thank you.

Carrie Pecoraro 01:41:42

Did you say you had procedures for scheduling Language Services?

Dawn Schaefer 01:41:50


Dana Wallace 01:41:53

Will you all post or send out the PPT following this meeting?

Shakita - FC, Cat. A 01:41:54

Ellie, Dawn, and Andrew -- thank you all for the information we received today! I know that this is NOT easy and having to establish answers based on information that is given to you is very difficult. ??

Dawn Schaefer 01:41:55


Dawn Schaefer 01:42:10

thank you, Shakita! ?

Jeanette Schutte 01:42:13

Until Apr 24

Mandy Burke 01:42:19

yes they have until the 24th to complete all missing work

Jeanette Schutte 01:42:21

I believe

Carrie Pecoraro 01:42:58

Do we have more guidance on what the specialized instruction looks like for our students, especially our more impacted students

Danievie MacLauchlin 01:43:08

For seniors: Do we need to do an IEP addendum for graduation requirements that have been waived by the state?

Mandy Burke 01:43:15

4th qtr can only improve their grade....not graded but can improve it

Kristen Boehme #2 01:43:29


Emily Kaltenmark 01:43:39

The key is document everything!

Natalie Valenzuela 01:43:42


Ellie - we got this - Stack #2 01:44:27

I agree, Emily

Erica #4 01:45:00

I'm sorry if I missed this. Same question regarding data but for progress reports - What if teachers' data is at school for Q3 Progress Reports?

Laura V 01:45:04

On the MS schedule that my school has been using, it references the core classes and foreign language being held synchronously. Are we also holding sped electives synchronously? We have been planning to do so.

Andrea Jones 01:46:23

Is there any changes to students taking On-Line classes (not Edmentum)?

Kim Shott 01:47:08

Students that are at TRSC, are they returning to base or continuing with Edmentum?

MattButterfield 01:47:36

For Services Page on IEP, if students are receiving related services, do we just propose services in August or propose services currently (now in April)?

Shelley Miller #2 01:47:38

If a parent brings up the question of compensatory services during an IEP meeting, what language would you like to use in the meeting and/or document on the PLOP page?

Emily Kaltenmark 01:47:38

Documenting parent requests/concerns and how they were answered/addressed, having teachers document what work is provided, what materials are distributed etc. It is going to be our only data for some of our challenging IEP mtgs.

Natalie Valenzuela 01:47:38

Thank you, Kurt!

Voula 01:47:50

Thank you- I feel like I have been holding my breath for the past couple of weeks and I can finally exhale.

Jackie P. #3 01:47:52

Thank you, Kurt

Summer Manos #2 01:48:14

Thanks Kurt!

Tammy Stickler 01:48:16

THanks Kurt!

Crafty 01:49:11

Me too, Voula!

Natalie Valenzuela 01:49:15

What is happening with alternative schools regarding students who are parent placed?

Kim Shott 01:49:41

Where will the extension letter be located?

Sally Stickels 01:50:43

can you go back to the "after the meeting" slide?

Andrew Guillen 01:50:48

We send to schools via PSL once its approved. ?

Kim Shott 01:50:58

For annuals, will be in monitor/consult for the remainder of this year or 0 hours for the remainder of this year?

Kylie Eldredge 01:51:01

If a parent has requested a continuum placement, are we proceeding with those meetings?

Heather Hendershot #3 01:51:15

Is your thought that Case Managers or Dept. Chairs will be create the TLPs?

Natalie Valenzuela 01:51:21

Will there also be a statement on the LRE regarding the unprecedented school closure?

Dawn Schaefer 01:52:21

LRE will be for fall.

Natalie Valenzuela 01:52:24


Andrew Guillen 01:52:28

Natalie, comes back in the fall

Andrew Guillen 01:52:34


Lourrie #3 01:52:40

Kim Shott: You will only document hours for the new year starting in august. For the balance of this will be documenting on the PLOP what will happen for the next couple of months. The IEP will finalize.

Woo 01:53:19

not verbatim, but this is what andrew said....

Woo 01:53:20

Due to school closures (as a result of COVID-19) for the rest of the school year since March 13, 2020, the school team was unable to collect effective data to provide accurate assessment.

Dawn Schaefer 01:53:35

We can take the questions from teh four people who are in line for questions. We're coming to the end of this session.

Kim Dunbar #2 01:53:39

What is the wording for what to document on PLOP regarding what will happen with service hours for the next couple of months. Sorry - just wondering if we can have a general statement.

Colleen Wheaton 01:54:14

I'm interested in the answer to the same question @natalie above regarding electively placed alternative students.

Stephanie Kohn #2 01:54:58

Thank you Elaine Woo!! That's what I thought Andrew said

Laura Moore 01:55:28

Dawn and Andrew - great session, thanks for your many hours of work to support our students and us!

Kim Dunbar #2 01:56:12

Ditto! Great session and thank you for all your hard work and efforts !!!

Janelle Ellis 01:56:52

Thank you Dawn and Andrew

Shelby Hill #3 01:59:29

is that the high leverage recorded training?

Dawn Schaefer 01:59:32


Shelby Hill #3 01:59:38

cool, thanks!

Meredith Norris 01:59:43

Agree with what was shared by Kim & Laura-- thank you for all your hard work. Hang in there as we continue to navigate all of this!

Shelby Hill #3 02:00:00

You all rock! Thank you very much for all this info!

Ellie - we got this - Stack #2 02:00:01