Hot Topics

I received this internal "Hot Topics" Region 4 document in response to a FERPA request. I didn't ask for it.

When I opened the file, I noticed tracked changes on the document. I clicked them and everything Fairfax County Public Schools (FCPS) incorrectly redacted popped up, to include names of students, their lawyers, monies paid, and so on.

The document included concerning information, to include FCPS acknowledging some of the very issues that I and other parents have complained about for years, such as failure to identify special education students, failure to implement programs related to Dyslexia with fidelity, and privacy violations.

I then did a FOIA request for all "Hot Topics" documents for all time periods and all regions.

FCPS responded, with heavy-handed redacting for the other regions, for the same time period.

FCPS refused to provide any other "Hot Topics" documents for any other periods.

I redacted personally identifying information for the students whose privacy was violated before publishing the documents here.

Click on image above to view "Hot Topics" Region 4 document.
Click on image above to view "Hot Topics" regions 1, 2, 3, and 5 document.