IDEA Advocacy Alert: Contact Your U.S. Representative and Senators; Ensure Funding For Special Education

The following alert was issued by the Council of Parent Attorneys and Advocates (COPAA).

Please take action today to ensure that dedicated funding it allocated to support students with disabilities.

Alert: Tell your U.S. Representative and Senators

Congress must prioritize students with disabilities by providing an infusion of funds to IDEA!


Congress is negotiating the next COVID-19 stimulus package. To date, funds provided to states and districts for education may be spent on special education, but no specific funding is allocated directly to support students with disabilities during the pandemic. To help influence the funding debate, COPAA is advocating that the stimulus must expressly include specific funding for IDEA. To accomplish this, Congress must fund the IDEA as proposed by Sens. Murphy (D-CT), VanHollen (D-MD) and Hassan (D-NH) and provide $12 billion for the IDEA — $11 billion to Part B (K-12), $500 million to Part C (infant and toddlers), and $400 million to Part B Sec. 619 (preschool).

Please ACT NOW to urge Congress to prioritize students with disabilities by providing an infusion of funds to IDEA.

Tell Your Representative & Senators by Email

Dear Representative/Senator:

I am a (parent/advocate/advocate attorney from CITY/STATE) and am writing to urge you to prioritize the needs of students with disabilities in the next COVID-19 stimulus bill. (My child/children/families I work with) are counting on you to ensure that the next stimulus package includes critical funding for IDEA.

Given the effects of the national crisis, it is imperative that the next funding bill include funds for special education to ensure all aspects of the IDEA are upheld during the crisis. Providing specific funding for IDEA will: ensure all students with disabilities can receive a free, appropriate public education as required by the law; support teachers and other personnel; and promote collaboration between schools and families so they can find effective ways to ensure students receive specially designed instruction, therapies, services and other supports as determined by the child’s Individualized Education Program (IEP).

Students with disabilities are counting on you to ensure schools have adequate funds available to support their academic, social, emotional, and behavioral needs during the pandemic.

Please reach back out to me if you would like to learn more. For more information about special education during COVID-19 you can also visit the Council of Parent Attorneys and Advocates COVID-19 Page.



Contact Your Representative and Senators Now! Tell them to prioritize students with disabilities and provide IDEA funds in the next stimulus package.

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