Special Education Action's mission is to ensure parents, educators, and students have the information and tools necessary to fully understand, address, and safeguard the unique needs of all students who require special education.

Recent Articles

Are Schools Required To Conduct Their Own Evaluations After Independent Educational Evaluations Are Conducted?

Are Schools Required To Conduct Their Own Evaluations After Independent Educational Evaluations Are Conducted?

Are schools required to conduct their own evaluations after an independent educational evaluation (IEE) is conducted?

“No,” is the answer from Rory Duffield and Lourrie Duddridge, two senior specialists with Fairfax County Public Schools (FCPS), one of the largest school districts in the United States.

Fairfax County Public Schools Leadership Team Annual Employment Contracts

Employment contracts for Fairfax County Public Schools’ (FCPS) leadership team were released today. FCPS released them in response to a FOIA request submitted by parent Debra Tisler — and then turned around and attempted to recall the response.

The contracts provided to her today include information that should be publicly available as it details the terms of contracts for FCPS Superintendent Scott Brabrand and numerous other “leadership team” members who are responsible for the education of Fairfax County’s students and the running of its school system.

U.S. Dept. of Ed. Announces Initiative to Stop Practice of Paying Less than Minimum Wage to Individuals who have Disabilities

March 18, 2022, the United States Department of Education’s Rehabilitation Services Administration announced an initiative that is “aimed at increasing access for people with disabilities to jobs that pay good wages.”

According to a press release distributed by USDOE, the initiative “is the largest discretionary grant administered by RSA, with $167 million available to State Vocational Rehabilitation agencies and their partners . . .”

U.S. Dept. of Education Finds Virginia at Fault for Continued Noncompliance

The United States Department of Education determined the Virginia Department of Education “has not demonstrated correction of all the noncompliance identified in USDOE’s June 23, 2020, Differentiated Monitoring and Support monitoring letter and that it remains “concerned about the volume and nature of the concerns raised by .”

February 8, 2022, USDOE sent VDOE its response to VDOE’s corrective action information.

Special Education Action obtained the February 8, 2022, letter yesterday in response to a FOIA request submitted to VDOE.

Former VDOE Superintendent James Lane Heads to Washington; How Will U.S. Dept. of Education Defend Hiring the Official Who Reigned Over Years of VDOE Failures?

James Lane, the former superintendent of public instruction at the Virginia Department of Education (VDOE) is making a move from Richmond to Washington, D.C.

How will USDOE defend hiring the senior official who reigned over so many years of failure?

Office of Civil Rights Opens Investigation into Fairfax County Public Schools; Retaliation

Fairfax County Public Schools is again the focus of an investigation by the United States Department of Education’s Office of Civil Rights.

January 27, 2022, OCR issued a letter announcing the opening of the investigation.

Retaliatory actions are the focus of the complaint.