Special Education Action's mission is to ensure parents, educators, and students have the information and tools necessary to fully understand, address, and safeguard the unique needs of all students who require special education.
Recent Articles
Every Child Deserves A Champion; Open Your Eyes, Channel Your Outrage, Show Up To Help Every Day
FCPS has been failing children in its special education program for decades—and the legal bills and other documents exist to prove it.
What to Do?
Change starts with advocacy, with kindness, with help.
Virginia Department of Education to Investigate Fairfax County Public Schools for Systemic Privacy Violations
VDOE has always had a reason NOT to initiate a systemic investigation — even after it was provided an internal FCPS document in which FCPS itself stated concerns with privacy breaches.
What changed VDOE’s mind this time? I have no idea.
Here’s hoping for a thorough investigation—and for the noncompliance to stop.
Office of Civil Rights Opens Investigation; FCPS Threatens to Call Attendance Officer if Parent Doesn’t Choose FCPS “Options”
FCPS’s Legal Actions Are A Sideshow; Please Focus On The Children
I’m in awe of the kindness and overwhelming support that complete strangers have shared in the past few days. It’s extraordinary — and truly appreciated. The journalists, parents, lawyers, advocates for children, advocates for free speech, and so many others.
One Comment:
FCPS’s legal actions are a sideshow.
Please don’t let them distract you from much bigger stories.
Fairfax County Public Schools Threatens Legal Action Against Parents Who Exercised Their First Amendment Rights And Right To FOIA
What did we do?
We shared a behind-the-scenes view that indicates FCPS is aware of the very issues parents have been concerned about for years. (As well as HIPAA failures, stolen credentials, negotiations to extend Scott Brabrand’s contract, the investigations into the cyber hacking and Blackboard failures, wastes of funds, and much more.)
I’m Not Anti-Teacher; I’m Anti-Cruelty, Anti-Incompetence, and Anti-Negligence
This afternoon I had a phone call with the Fairfax County Federation of Public Teachers (FCFT).
I found myself explaining to the FCFT organizer on the other end of the line that I knew a teacher complained to FCFT about my advocacy and tried to recruit FCFT to fight against me — and then I explained the reason the organizer and I were talking was because I support teachers, want to make sure they receive the support they need, and that I had some information to share, which I felt critical for the teachers to have, to advocate for themselves.
After all, teachers are among the greatest influencers of my life.