Special Education Action's mission is to ensure parents, educators, and students have the information and tools necessary to fully understand, address, and safeguard the unique needs of all students who require special education.
Recent Articles
VDOE Sets Dangerous Precedent; Guidance Includes Get-Out-of-Providing-“Recovery Services” Loophole
The document includes a get-out-of-providing-compensatory education/”recovery services” loophole—and exhibits a questionable interpretation of laws related to students with disabilities.
Yes, Virginia, There Is Dyslexia
Some educators and lawyers say there is no Dyslexia.
My research makes me say, ‘If you see it in your child it’s so.’
Please tell me the truth; is there Dyslexia?
~Virginia Parent
Virginia, the educators and lawyers are wrong. They have been affected by ignorance. They do not believe except they see. They think that nothing can be which is not comprehensible by their little minds.
They see a first grade boy who walks around when it is time to read and assume him to have attention struggles.
They see a ninth grade girl with good grades and assume her to be lazy.
They know not of what they speak, Virginia, for they only believe what they perceive, rather than what is real.
Due Process Hearing Officer: “Just Words” Not a Methodology that Addresses Learning Disabilities Associated with Dyslexia; FCPS Continues to Recommend “Just Words” for Students with Dyslexia
If you have a child in Fairfax County Public Schools (FCPS), Virginia, who has Dyslexia, chances are FCPS has stated the program “Just Words” is appropriate to address your child’s unique needs related to Dyslexia.
Didn’t matter if the child was in 4th grade or 10th grade, FCPS pushed “Just Words” for children with Dyslexia.
Earlier this year, due process hearing officer Richard M. Alvey stated a final decision about “Just Words” that every parent with a child who has Dyslexia should know about—and which should have stopped FCPS’ continuing to recommend the program for children with Dyslexia.
It’s the Law: Mediation
There’s a lot to get fired up about when it comes to special education, but mediations get me hotter than a tin roof during a heat wave.
Lot’s of places to get snagged if you aren’t careful and/or don’t even know these briar patches exist.
VDOE: School Divisions May Not Charge Students for Computers or Other Devices
“Guidance just released from VDOE this week states computers and devices now fall squarely within the category of items for which divisions may not charge due to the substantive shift in how core and required instruction is being delivered for this school year.”
Takes a community (and/or a few vocal parents) to point out ignorance to the individuals who should be in the know.
FERPA Violation: Willow Springs Elementary School Students’ Privacy Violated
The documents below were given to another FCPS parent and include information about children other than her own. She didn’t ask to receive this information. FCPS provided it to her in the course of providing other documentation to her.